Mary Bianco

I too have really dug into the whole no limits no questioning thing with my
kids as far as food and stuff. Not that I think I restricted them before but
yes I gently tried to persuade and isn' that the same thing? I remember a
few of you here that said they were still trying to get the hang of it all.
So just a little story.

My 2 year old the other day was asking for pudding. She really hadn't had
much of substantial eating all day. I was leary and trying to suggest a few
other things. It had seemed like she would go to bed with snacks all day and
that isn't like her so I wondered. When my husband asked why the baby was
upset, I said because she wants pudding and I want her to eat. So being my
better half when I'm not, he said, "Isn't pudding eating?" Next minute she
was happily sitting on the kitchen counter eating pudding. After she
finished, she asked for meatball and ravioli's which she ate a generous
plate of. Proved a point to me!!!

Not 2 nights later, my 7 year old son was as usual putting everyone to bed
before him. I stay up as long as he needs to. He was happily doing his own
thing and I was watching mindless TV when he came into the living room and
told me that his body was telling him he was tired. It was 1:00 a.m. and he
was finally ready.

It all does work. Patience on our part is the hardest thing. The kids breeze
right through it!

Mary B

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