Re: frustrated
Julie Stauffer
What if you set up a petition table at the local playground or park? The
boys could play and you and dd could get petitions signed. How about
McDonalds, etc? Places nearby that would be fun for your kids would also be
full of other people whose kids might enjoy scooters.
boys could play and you and dd could get petitions signed. How about
McDonalds, etc? Places nearby that would be fun for your kids would also be
full of other people whose kids might enjoy scooters.
--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., "Julie Stauffer" <jnjstau@g...> wrote:
town (about 3000 people). McDonalds is out of town. There really
isn't a business district. There are two little parks, but there's a
good chance we'd be the only ones there if we went there. We have a
goal of 500 signatures, and the only way we're going to get them is
going door to door. Also, in addition to the petition, we're doing a
survey. We're going to every house on every major street in town and
we're keeping track of the yes's and the no's. Then we'll show what
percentage of residents are for or against the ordinance. We'll make
a little graph up. I'm going to call a lawyer and see if we can get
a letter with the lawyer's opinion of the constitutionality of it.
If the ordinance passes, we'll probably get the required signatures
asking for the ordinance to be voted by ballot as a referendum. It
is quite an education for my daughter!
My daughter is quite upset by this. Yesterday a council member told
us that it doesn't matter how many signatures we get, the ordinance
will go through. A skateboarder cursed at his wife when she asked
him to leave her property, so he's out for revenge.
> What if you set up a petition table at the local playground orpark? The
> boys could play and you and dd could get petitions signed. Howabout
> McDonalds, etc? Places nearby that would be fun for your kidswould also be
> full of other people whose kids might enjoy scooters.That would be a great idea, but this ordinance would only affect our
> Julie
town (about 3000 people). McDonalds is out of town. There really
isn't a business district. There are two little parks, but there's a
good chance we'd be the only ones there if we went there. We have a
goal of 500 signatures, and the only way we're going to get them is
going door to door. Also, in addition to the petition, we're doing a
survey. We're going to every house on every major street in town and
we're keeping track of the yes's and the no's. Then we'll show what
percentage of residents are for or against the ordinance. We'll make
a little graph up. I'm going to call a lawyer and see if we can get
a letter with the lawyer's opinion of the constitutionality of it.
If the ordinance passes, we'll probably get the required signatures
asking for the ordinance to be voted by ballot as a referendum. It
is quite an education for my daughter!
My daughter is quite upset by this. Yesterday a council member told
us that it doesn't matter how many signatures we get, the ordinance
will go through. A skateboarder cursed at his wife when she asked
him to leave her property, so he's out for revenge.
**We have a goal of 500 signatures, and the only way we're going to get
them is going door to door.**
Are you going to carry your petition along with you when you Trick or Treat?
Can you put the kids in costumes NOW and do "reverse" Trick or Treating,
giving people candy and asking them to sign?
(I'm just trying to "fun it up" a little for the younger ones.)
them is going door to door.**
Are you going to carry your petition along with you when you Trick or Treat?
Can you put the kids in costumes NOW and do "reverse" Trick or Treating,
giving people candy and asking them to sign?
(I'm just trying to "fun it up" a little for the younger ones.)
Tia Leschke
> My daughter is quite upset by this. Yesterday a council member toldDid you ask him if he always judges groups of people by one member?
> us that it doesn't matter how many signatures we get, the ordinance
> will go through. A skateboarder cursed at his wife when she asked
> him to leave her property, so he's out for revenge.
--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., "Tia Leschke" <leschke@i...> wrote:
the bad kids, but that's the way it is.
We talked to a different council member today, who said he won't vote
for the ordinance as is.
It's my guess that they will ban skateboards but not scooters, but
I'm going to put my best fight up to keep them from banning either!
> > My daughter is quite upset by this. Yesterday a council membertold
> > us that it doesn't matter how many signatures we get, theordinance
> > will go through. A skateboarder cursed at his wife when sheasked
> > him to leave her property, so he's out for revenge.member?
> Did you ask him if he always judges groups of people by one
> TiaHe said that he's sorry that the good kids have to suffer because of
the bad kids, but that's the way it is.
We talked to a different council member today, who said he won't vote
for the ordinance as is.
It's my guess that they will ban skateboards but not scooters, but
I'm going to put my best fight up to keep them from banning either!
In a message dated 10/29/02 8:39:23 PM Central Standard Time,
ecsamhill@... writes:
~Nancy who would sign for a snickers fun sized bar!
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ecsamhill@... writes:
> Are you going to carry your petition along with you when you Trick or Treat?What great ideas!!!
> Can you put the kids in costumes NOW and do "reverse" Trick or Treating,
> giving people candy and asking them to sign?
> (I'm just trying to "fun it up" a little for the younger ones.)
> Betsy
~Nancy who would sign for a snickers fun sized bar!
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In a message dated 10/30/02 10:30:02 AM Central Standard Time,
Dnowens@... writes:
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Dnowens@... writes:
> ~Nancy who would sign for a snickers fun sized bar!I would sign anyway, I don't like the idea of banning any children's toys. <g>
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