Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry

> Does anyone remember the title of a book about different "languages of
> love" that discussed different forms of affection being more
> meaningful
> to different people?

The Five Love Languages (or the five languages of love?) by Gary Chapman. He also has a book specifically about children and one about teens (haven't read those).
The book is very easy to read, pretty "popular" style, but the ideas helped me see how to meet my children's and my own needs better.

Basically what he says is we all have one primary (and maybe some secondary) way of having "our love tank filled" and that if we are given another form instead (usually the one the giver would prefer to receive) we may end up feeling uinloved even when the other really cares for us:

Here are the five languages --don't know if i got the words right but the sense is there:
-touch (hugs, strokes, sex, massage, wrestling etc)
-affirmative words (hearing what others appreciate about you)
-quality time (someone giving you their undivided presence)
-actions (someone doing something for you)


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