
In a message dated 10/25/02 12:19:23 AM Central Daylight Time,
marji@... writes:

> I was driving home from a rehearsal tonight and listening to that
> particular tape. If someone asked me what I think every brand new parent
> should receive, I'd have to say a copy of that tape for sure, along with a
> very, very few other things, namely the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding; a
> sling in not too fruity a pattern so Dad will use it, too; and the book the
> The Continuum Concept. I'm sure there are a couple of more things, but I
> just can't think of them right now. Oh yes, a bottle of lavender essential
> oil.

A good breast pump. I nursed both for so long, and never had a good pump.
Until Wednesday evening at karate, I always thought I just couldn't pump. The
Karate instructor's wife was sitting with me and we were chatting away about
her new baby. (who is the most beautiful baby!) We were talking about how
long we had nursed our children and I mentioned that the only drawback I ever
had was I couldn't be away from the kids for too long, because neither of the
pumps I had ever worked well. She told me something I never knew. She said
that the pumps you buy at the store are made by formula companies. I am sure
all you know that, but I never did. And I am mad! She said if I ever have
another baby I need to get a pump from a reputable company, and apparently
they are expensive. But I am just mad, so mad. Do you all see how mad I am?
Why are formula companies making breast pumps? How fair is that? So many
women, discouraged at the 1/2 oz. of milk produced after 15 minutes of
pumping! So many women who just quit out of frustration! So, if you know a
woman who is about to have a baby, and she is going to breast-feed her baby,
help her get a really good pump! Not one of those cheepo Walmart ones!

~A very angry Nancy

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At 01:42 10/25/02 -0400, Nancy wrote:
>So, if you know a woman who is about to have a baby, and she is going to
>breast-feed her baby, help her get a really good pump! Not one of those
>cheepo Walmart ones!
>~A very angry Nancy

That's a great suggestion! But, it might be wasted on some moms, 'cause
not all breastfeeding moms ever have the need for a pump; I never did in
five and a half years of nursing.

I'm sorry that you had such a crappy experience! I can imagine how
absolutely frustrating that must have been. I know that Medela makes good
pumps, and they are widely available for rental at drug stores and usually
from lactation consultants.


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Tia Leschke

> That's a great suggestion! But, it might be wasted on some moms, 'cause
> not all breastfeeding moms ever have the need for a pump; I never did in
> five and a half years of nursing.

I only needed one with my first, who was 2 months early. But the electric
ones then cost a fortune, and the manual ones were just awful. I quickly
learned how to express manually. She got mostly breast milk until she came
home from the hospital (when she got it exclusively) and I even had enough
to help out a new mother of twins at one point.