[email protected]

In a message dated 10/20/2002 7:55:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:
> I have a dog question and if you're too young to know the answer I don't
> want to hear about it.<g> What kind of dog was Spot? The Dick and Jane
> Spot. He was some kind of Spaniel I think, black and white but I don't
> have a picture and I can't remember what he was. My son has been asking
> since I told him about those old Dick and Jane books. He would need to
> know the breed of their dog.
> Come Kelly. Come and see. Come, come. Come and see. Come and see
> Spot.

Forty-two. I read a little Dick and Jane. Some Spot. But in first, second,
and third grades, we were reading all about Tag (and their cat, Puff).

See Tag. See Tag run. Run, Tag, run. Run, run, run!

Who were the children in that? I remember the animals just fine! <G>

Spot was a cocker spaniel. He doesn't look much like what we see in the show
ring right now---he's lacking coat. But back then in the early '60's, the
cocker's furnishing were lighter, and he looks just like the "old-style"

Spot's a parti-colored cocker spaniel.

Tag was a black cocker.

Glad to be of assistance! <G>


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