
and a really GREAT speaker- see her if you can!

Amy M Zoldak wrote:

> Kelli
> Mary Sheedy Kurcinka has a book called "Raising Your Spirited Child" in
> which she talks about temperament and introverts vs. extroverts. Introvert
> has sort of a negative connotation in our culture (hates to be with other
> people etc.) and she points out that being introverted may mean more that
> being in large groups drains your energy (whereas it energizes
> extroverts).
> Really good book.
> Amy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelli Traaseth [mailto:kellitraas@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 5:27 PM
> To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] I need LOTS of encooouragement
> I think there are alot of negative thoughts or assumptions about someone
> who doesn't want to participate in something. I am just figuring out
> these
> things for myself. Also figuring out that I am an introvert.
> I wanted to ask others earlier about this, but didn't get around to it,
> now Elissa, thank you, brought it up.
> I always thought I was an extrovert because I like to talk, can you
> tell,
> ha.. But, when I was supposed to go to functions with lots of people, I
> would get all stressed out. After I've been somewhere with lots of
> people I
> just feel zapped. Could sleep or read or just veg. for a long time. My
> mother had me going and going and going each day and I would get so
> depressed, well, that wasn't for me. Now, I see that in my son, he
> likes to
> have his time alone, and I know some people label him as lazy, he only
> likes to read, or play his gamestation, or other thinking things. But you
> know what? What's wrong with that?
> I'm so glad I saw that he is just fine in what he wants to do, so
> that I
> didn't force him into things that he really doesn't like. Maybe he'll be
> able to get through life without trying out drugs or other harmful things.
> By the way, I did go off my meds and I'm feeling great! ( maybe noone
> remembers, that's OK too)
> We can't all be cheerleaders or homecoming queens or presidents of
> student
> councils, I feel like that is so often what is expected. Some of us just
> have to be readers or writers or artists.
> Has anyone else come to these conclusions?
> Kelli
> Elissa Cleaveland wrote:
> --- Myranda <myrandab@...> wrote:
> > Yes, lazy because he'd rather miss a meal than have
> > to actually get up and walk to the table.
> (Not hungry)
> He'd
> > rather sit and do nothing than open the closet to
> > get to the lego's.
> (Thinking, daydreaming planning life is more important
> than Lego's)
> He'd rather sit and watch other
> > kids play outside than put his slip-on sandles on so
> > he can go out.
> (The Introvert enjoying watching the extroverts play)
> >He's our little lazybones, said with
> > all fondness.
> An insult said with fondness is still an insult.
> Words make all the difference in teh world.
> Elissa Jill
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