[email protected]

In a message dated 10/5/02 10:39:40 AM, sheran@... writes:

<< All it means is that Andrea Yates was wrong to kill her kids. >>

IF (I didn't read all the gory details) a woman did not want to have children
but was told (and believed) that GOD wanted her to have children...

IF a woman doesn't want to have children but a man pressures her and gets her
pregnant against her will (with or without blaming God...

IF a woman isn't taking good care fo the children she has...

THEN that woman should not have more children.

For some women, one is too many. Either their mothering instinct never kicks
in, or they're more interested in going out than taking care of their child
or something, but some women are not good moms.

I wish every woman who ever wanted a child and was unable to have one (or
another one) could magically have had one and every woman who accidently got
pregnant could have NOT done so. I wish every woman who ever had a baby to
entrap a man or to get more welfare or to have another person to love her
would have had the simple positive regard and love it would have taken for
her to be content without creating a life for her immediate selfish reasons.

Had I started sooner, I might have had more children. We were undecided for
years about whether to have children or not, and Kirby was an oops, but we
really liked being parents. I decided not to have any more after three
cesareans and not to have any in my 40's. I know people do it and live to go
to graduations and marriages. I chose not to risk it for various personal

To say it's not okay to blame Andrea Yates for being Christian is unfair in a
conversation in which God's "law" is being invoked. She homeschooled because
she was Christian, as I understand it--not from any belief about cognition or
child development. I could be wrong, but if she had children and
homeschooled them because she was Christian then it's a Christianity issue,
not a homeschooling issue.
