[email protected]

Hi Pam,

I'd just like to say that if your daughter is really into horses she should
do anything and everything with them. I know 4H is really into doing a lot
with the horses. I never did it but I had a girlfriend who was in it when we
were younger and it was quite and exciting time for us. Everything is about
horses! Of course that's the way I like things. I never got into the showing
part but I have worked with horses one way or another all my adult life and
it has been great. Now I am a licensed Harness horse trainer after working my
way up through the ranks. If your daughter really wants to work with horses
then through 4H I think she would get a good idea of the work involved with
horses. Nobody in my family had or worked around horses so I just took the
leap and got into it one way or another. It has just been the best time. Now
I own a race horse and my 2 son's go to the farm every morning with me and my
8 year old has started to learn to jog the horses. It's not an easy life but
when you love something it makes it all the better. I also want to say that I
learned everything about horses and got my license all without school. In
fact I could have done it sooner if I hadn't been in school.
Just my 2 cents. When somebody talks horses I like to jump in.

Lori in MI

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