Dalene and Andy

I came across this woman's site looking for unschooling info.

She have a lot of thoughts on unschooling. Basically arguing why she could not accept the Unschooling Philosophy and arguing that there are no middle ground.

"Parent initiated teaching, however relaxed or sporadic, contradicts a fundamental aspect of unschooling-that the children lead and teach themselves. Those who call themselves "partial unschoolers" are simply parents who, quite sensibly, cannot fully resign themselves to "trust" their children's supposed innate ability to completely direct their own education."


I find myself drawn to the unschooling philosophy, but find it hard not to create, find and put learning moments out there for my son. Does this mean I do not belong on this list at all??


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



I find myself drawn to the unschooling philosophy, but find it hard not
to create, find and
put learning moments out there for my son. Does this mean I do not
belong on this list at

I personally think that "creating learning moments" is fine, as long as
you don't drag your child to those moments kicking and screaming. (Or
muttering, mumbling and resentful.)


MO Milligans

At 11:15 AM 9/26/02 +1200, you wrote:

>I find myself drawn to the unschooling philosophy, but find it hard not to
>create, find and put learning moments out there for my son. Does this mean
>I do not belong on this list at all??
As long as you're having fun, and so is your son, then that's cool. As long
as you're not forcing him to "do it whether you like it or not", then I
don't see a problem finding learning moments for him, as long as he's okay
with it :-)


"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
I will choose Free Will" -Rush (& Todd)

Kelli Traaseth

I had to respond to this post.
I guess I'm not an expert on John Holt or unschooling(not yet anyway)<g>, but I don't agree with the author's opinion on Holt or unschooling. I would like to know what others think?
I didn't interpret John Holt's opinions and thoughts the way she did she, she says Holt believes they're(children) born with the knowledge of how to get knowledge. I don't ever remember him ever saying that in any writings. To me he would say the child knows when to learn it and will always want to learn, nothing wrong with helping them. Obviously, they won't know about how to look up things on the computer unless we say, hey we can look that up! And then they probably can figure it out. etc.
I don't know....
I think we all can interpret things differently. I know I just always felt like he was such an advocate for the child that he wouldn't have wanted us to have a total hands off approach. And this is the way this author believes we unschoolers live.
I resent the way she portrays the unschooling group; when it can be so wonderful, so natural and so great.
Ok, I'm off my soap box now.
Dalene and Andy wrote: I came across this woman's site looking for unschooling info.

She have a lot of thoughts on unschooling. Basically arguing why she could not accept the Unschooling Philosophy and arguing that there are no middle ground.

"Parent initiated teaching, however relaxed or sporadic, contradicts a fundamental aspect of unschooling-that the children lead and teach themselves. Those who call themselves "partial unschoolers" are simply parents who, quite sensibly, cannot fully resign themselves to "trust" their children's supposed innate ability to completely direct their own education."


I find myself drawn to the unschooling philosophy, but find it hard not to create, find and put learning moments out there for my son. Does this mean I do not belong on this list at all??


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<PRE>I hope not...because that would mean that I have to leave too!!!! I love the
idea of unschooling...but also am at the place where I still put things in
front of my son to spark an interest. I just have a hard time with not
suggesting things to him to aid in his creativity. Maybe someday I will feel
differently...but I am just thankful that I am not all freaky and stressed
over homeschooling and can use some of the things I have learned about
unschooling...and can actually sit back and breathe now and let my son be a
kid! I was always interrupting him from his interests to get him to do what
I wanted him to do. Now...I just offer suggestions when I see he is kinda
bored. :-) Bridget


In a message dated 9/25/02 5:17:55 PM, mactier@... writes:

<< I find myself drawn to the unschooling philosophy, but find it hard not to
create, find and put learning moments out there for my son. Does this mean I
do not belong on this list at all?? >>

No, it means you need to be very wary of anti-unschooling sites. It's much
harder to criticize it than to understand it, and the quote you brought here
was not designed to describe unschooling, but to mock it.

This list is a discussion. If you want descriptions and explanations, try
www.unschooling.com (library)
sandradodd.com/unschooling (read there and follow links)



In a message dated 9/25/02 8:45:43 PM, TroyBridgetM@... writes:

<< I hope not...because that would mean that I have to leave too!!!! I love
idea of unschooling...but also am at the place where I still put things in
front of my son to spark an interest. >>

I still put things in front of my sister, my husband, my mom, my adults AND

That doesn't negate unschooling.



> In a message dated 9/25/02 8:45:43 PM, TroyBridgetM@... writes:
> << I hope not...because that would mean that I have to leave too!!!! I
> the
> idea of unschooling...but also am at the place where I still put things in
> front of my son to spark an interest. >>
> I still put things in front of my sister, my husband, my mom, my adults
> kid-friends.
> That doesn't negate unschooling.

Right. I think the only thing you need to think about are "strings"- like
in your statement-

>I still put things in
> front of my son to spark an interest. >>

The "to spark an interest" part is missing from Sandras post. You put
things out there- and it might "spark an interest" but you dont care if it

For me it helped to think of ideas or information as GIFTS. I like to be
the kind of giver who doesnt think about when the thankyou note is coming,
or if the person used it, or if they gave it to good will (all strings). SO
cool that what I have in my head is free! I can be very generous all year ,
not just X-mas.

dd (5-23-88)
ds (8-16-92)
ds (9-22-00)


In a message dated 9/26/02 10:26:12 AM, felesina@... writes:

<< For me it helped to think of ideas or information as GIFTS. I like to be
the kind of giver who doesnt think about when the thankyou note is coming,
or if the person used it, or if they gave it to good will (all strings). >>

If I find a book or postcard or tourist flyer or website about something one
of my friends is interested I've always saved it for them, or sent it to
them, or saved it for a holiday or something. It was a gift!

And I do the same things for my kids, but am less likely to save it for a
holiday. <g>


Dalene and Andy

Sandra said:

>>This list is a discussion. If you want descriptions and explanations, try
www.unschooling.com (library)
sandradodd.com/unschooling (read there and follow links)

I'm not sure what you mean?? That I should not ask questions on this list to clarify my understanding of unschooling??



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 9/26/02 1:46:53 PM, mactier@... writes:

>>This list is a discussion. If you want descriptions and explanations, try
www.unschooling.com (library)
sandradodd.com/unschooling (read there and follow links)

I'm not sure what you mean?? That I should not ask questions on this list to
clarify my understanding of unschooling?? >>

No, just that if your question is "tell me what unschooling is," there are at
www.unschooling.com a forum of which this yahoo list is only one tiny part,
lots of carefully deposited definitions, lots of explanations, tons of
examples, and for us to recreate that on the mailing list every week or two
isn't as efficient as it is for us to send people where the answers are
already collected.

If you go to a joiner and say "Tell me all about cabinetmaking and
carpentry," he'll probably give you the name of a book. If you say, "I can't
find those little safety hinges for toy boxes, he'll probably hand you one of
those little safety hinges, or tell you what the newest version is, and tell
you where to get it and what to watch out for putting it in, and what your
other options are.

Specific questions are easier to answer than general questions.
General questions are already answered at www.unschooling.com and
sandradodd.com/unschooling (among other places).



Jennifer Green

Dalene, please don't think we don't love questions for anyone. I for one am completely open to any questions you have.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dalene and Andy
To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Confused about unschooling - Multiple posting

Sandra said:

>>This list is a discussion. If you want descriptions and explanations, try
www.unschooling.com (library)
sandradodd.com/unschooling (read there and follow links)

I'm not sure what you mean?? That I should not ask questions on this list to clarify my understanding of unschooling??



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Visit the Unschooling website: http://www.unschooling.com

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Dalene and Andy

Thanks Jen - because like my 5YOB I like asking questions... hehehe. And I did get some valuable input from this list. Sometimes it is about settling your own mind and what I realised when I read the responses is that it is not really important to fit in anywhere 100% as long as long as I feel comfortable with what I'm doing. And I do feel really comfortable in the unschooling environement, while anything strongly curriculum orientated makes me feel very uneasy. So I'll continue unschooling my children in the way that I understand.


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Kelli Traaseth

Dalene, I think you're right on and it will all get clearer the longer you do it, I know it gets easier and easier all the time for us.
Happy, happy Kelli with happy, happy kidos! (Ok so that's cheesy, but I don't care)
Dalene and Andy wrote:Thanks Jen - because like my 5YOB I like asking questions... hehehe. And I did get some valuable input from this list. Sometimes it is about settling your own mind and what I realised when I read the responses is that it is not really important to fit in anywhere 100% as long as long as I feel comfortable with what I'm doing. And I do feel really comfortable in the unschooling environement, while anything strongly curriculum orientated makes me feel very uneasy. So I'll continue unschooling my children in the way that I understand.


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MO Milligans

At 03:35 PM 9/26/02 -0500, you wrote:

>I for one am completely open to any questions you have.
Me two! Get it, two? Anyway, I'll answer the ones I can :)


"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
I will choose Free Will" -Rush (& Todd)