[email protected]

I> http://www.schoolsoutsupport.org/
> QUICK! Sign up for this conference!!
> It's the first unschooling conference in the southeastern U.S. and unless
> it's really well attended, it could be the last! SO GO!
> Really.
Thanks, Sandra! I've tried to write twice, but AOL keeps knocking me off. :-(

Virginia and Evelyn, y'all may become members of SOS, a support group for
unschoolers in SC (Myranda already is <g>). There's not a whole lot of
support going on there (at the site) right now because I'm so busy with the
conference----real live support jammed packed into one action-filled weekend!
<G> Go to the site www.schoolsoutsupport.org and click on "about SOS".
We'll be having another couple of get-togethers before the conference in
Columbia if y'all'd like to join us! Email me privately if you have

I apologize for being late on all these discussions. I'm spending WAAAY too
much time organizing the conference and I've gone to digest, so posts are
delayed. Again, thanks, Sandra! :-)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Evelyn Westbury

As much as I would like to participate,at this time
I'm unable to do so.Sorry!:(

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