[email protected]

My 14 year old has an explosive type of personality, too. He is 5'4" and
150 lbs. He is wide shouldered and very strong. Built like a bull. He
gets frustrated very easily. He has been labeled dyslexic and bipolar. I
know I struggle with these labels. I just wonder sometimes...:) It's
hard to be a teenager no matter what year we are in. There are so many
up's and down's. He was "tortured" for the nine years he was in public
school. What a farce that was... Last night he swore at me at Costco's
in front of a crowd using the "f" word about 6 times. He walked out of
the place. It was over a game I couldn't afford. Everything was fine an
hour later. I know he still isn't used to the idea of unschooling. He
doesn't understand the "unrules" since he has had so very many adults in
his life - actual teams of adults - giving him rules upon rules. The
tension in our house has gone down 80% since we began unschooling. We
are on our 12th hour of Oregon Trail here today. He is READING on his
own and they said he COULDN'T. I am not saying much to him except to
help him out with one or two "big" words and say "isn't this great!" He
is off all med's. Lost 16 pounds. It' s been a very short time since we
began this new journey in our lives. I know it is only going to get
better! Michele

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