Jocelyn Vilter

> From:
> Reply-To:
> Date: 29 Aug 2002 15:14:53 -0000
> To:
> Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 2306
> In the movie, I suppose maybe to make the races easier to distinguish, the
> two humans (Boromir and Aragon) looked quite a bit too much like one another
> for my tastes.

YES! I thought maybe some of that was my fault, for never having actually
managed to plow through the novels in the first place. But visually, they
were as alike to me as a pair of Bobbsey twins.
> Sometimes in casting a movie people aren't careful to get really different
> looking people and it's hard for me to get the characters straight at first.
> That happened with Sum of all Fears.

I always panic a little, inside when I set out to watch a movie and there
are a lots of guys in suits. I just know for sure I'm going to mix them up
in my head. It's better if I am familiar with the actors and know them from
other places, but then that is a hump to get over too. ("He's Harrison
Ford, no he's this other guy now, no, but he's still Harrison Ford..." in my
head, until I can get into the movie.)

Jocelyn Vilter
> Sandra

In a message dated 8/29/02 9:56:04 AM, jocelyn@... writes:

<< > In the movie, I suppose maybe to make the races easier to distinguish,
> two humans (Boromir and Aragon) looked quite a bit too much like one another
> for my tastes.

YES! I thought maybe some of that was my fault, for never having actually
managed to plow through the novels in the first place. But visually, they
were as alike to me as a pair of Bobbsey twins. >>

My best guess was it was their way to show humans looking like other humans
(since the elves and hobbits also looked surprisingly like humans <g>).

I was way familiar with the story, and still the first time I saw it I would
have to think. I finally started going by costume to tell Aragorn at a
glance from Boromir.


Gerard Westenberg

<I finally started going by costume to tell Aragorn at a glance from Boromir.>

Now, I've always liked Sean Bean as an actor ( Boromir) so it was easy for me to separate him form Aragorn! lol! Leonie W.

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