Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/26/02 7:33 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

>> My point is, and I do have one, why exactly do we keep jumping on
>> Ned and Bob and anyone else who seems to have very strong feelings
>> one way or the other on subjects that seem to me to fit very neatly
>> into an unschooling discussion?
Pam writes;
> You may be interested in a list that discusses homeschooling and
> education-related politics - sounds like you are. I'd like to suggest the
> NHEN legislative list for that purpose.
> I believe that it is accurate to say that this list is not really just a list
> for unschoolers to talk and debate about absolutely anything -- it is a list
> that is actually ABOUT unschooling.

Exactly my recent please explain the weeks of discussions of
religion, God, old boyfriends, hippop/rap, in-laws, bad experiences with
schools, what state we're in, pen pals, etc, etc, without a word of
connection to unschooling nor any complaint about

I ask again: Will one (or more) of the nice people who so often say that I'm
off topic please tell us their views of unschooling, without complaining
about my posts or my views, or anyone else's? Please, start a thread that's
purely about unschooling.

Ned Vare