[email protected]

In a message dated 8/25/2002 11:23:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
westen@... writes:
> On a related topic, not rap :-) , the younger boys, too, want to buy things
> that I feel are pure commercialism. We talk about this.Yet, I buy the
> stuff for them, or they buy it with their money,


My son buys the same sort of stuff -- Backstreet Boys, Dragon Ball Z, etc. We
talk about it as well. What I found encouraging about Helen's discussion with
her son is that it reminded me of discussions we have here, though my kids
are 12 and 8 and things can't get all that deep or graphic. But we have
touched lightly on pornography, and the fact that it is exploitation of
mostly women by billion dollar corporations run and fueled mostly by men. My
kids know that many of the women in it were sexually abused when they were
younger, and truly can't be happy being involved with it.

I listen to (but don't enjoy) all the music they listen to. They buy their
own as well. The same goes for DVD's and videos and books.


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