Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

>> The best fertilizer for all plants is what comes from other plants. Keep
>> your grass clippings right on your lawn.
> Yeah, most mowers can be fit with mulching attachments these days (all
> it does is cover up the outlet). Unless you have one of those old-timey
> rotary mowers, like someone I know.
No need to cover up the outlet or buy a mulching mower. The clippings
disintegrate quickly as do the leaves. Keep that blade sharp.


>No need to cover up the outlet or buy a mulching mower. The clippings
>disintegrate quickly as do the leaves. Keep that blade sharp.

Well, down here in the South, if you want to cut your lawn less than
every third day, you're going to have to chop those blades of grass into
itty-bitty pieces to keep from having brown clumps of hay resting on
your lawn.
