Re: 2264 - testing the kids
Luz Shosie and Ned Vare
on 8/20/02 2:14 AM, at wrote:
Having children tested as a way of boasting to the state has many bad side
effects. It might make other homeschoolers look bad by comparison; it might
make the state raise the standards for all homeschoolers; if the children do
poorly, it can give the state reason to think it should make homeschooling
more restricted and burdensome; it might give the state reason to believe
that you think testing is great for children, when it's not, so they might
increase their testing for everyone.
By doing what the state wants you to do invites them to make you even MORE
There are NO good reasons for having children tested by the state. If you
want your kids tested, or if they want to be tested, do it privately. You'll
get fair tests, and correct results, and promptly. With the government, who
Ned Vare wrote:
> Message: 16I agree with Loenie.
> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 12:16:28 +0930
> From: "Gerard Westenberg" <westen@...>
> Subject: Re: Testing in Arkansas
> <So from one home educator to all you others I say bring on the tests
> any day. >
> Why? :-) Tests don't prove anything - except maybe test taking ability on
> that particular day..even than I am not sure...While we are new to "full
> unschooling" ( funny term, I know), since January this year, we are not new to
> relaxed homeschooling and we have never had our kids tesetd - I say try to
> avoid the tests as much as possible! lol!..Leonie
Having children tested as a way of boasting to the state has many bad side
effects. It might make other homeschoolers look bad by comparison; it might
make the state raise the standards for all homeschoolers; if the children do
poorly, it can give the state reason to think it should make homeschooling
more restricted and burdensome; it might give the state reason to believe
that you think testing is great for children, when it's not, so they might
increase their testing for everyone.
By doing what the state wants you to do invites them to make you even MORE
There are NO good reasons for having children tested by the state. If you
want your kids tested, or if they want to be tested, do it privately. You'll
get fair tests, and correct results, and promptly. With the government, who
Ned Vare
In a message dated 8/20/02 8:49:34 PM, nedvare@... writes:
<< If you
want your kids tested, or if they want to be tested, do it privately. You'll
get fair tests, and correct results, and promptly. >>
There's no such thing. There's "promptly," but there are no 'fair' tests
with 'correct' results.
<< If you
want your kids tested, or if they want to be tested, do it privately. You'll
get fair tests, and correct results, and promptly. >>
There's no such thing. There's "promptly," but there are no 'fair' tests
with 'correct' results.