Re:2216 Know your rights
Luz Shosie and Ned Vare
on 8/9/02 8:02 AM, at wrote:
This is part of a thread from two weeks ago that I didn't answer:
I had written:
while school system employees and certain politicians are working to
eliminate those rights.
We are all "pretty peacable persons," but when our rights are threatened,
there is sometimes no option but to act in our own defense. Otherwise, we
can kiss our rights good-bye.
"If you don't know your rights, you have none." --- (can't find the author
of that)
Ned Vare wrote:
This is part of a thread from two weeks ago that I didn't answer:
I had written:
>> Unschoolers are in the same war as all other homeschoolers. I don't thinkThe "war" is the one in which homeschoolers are trying to keep our rights,
>> that is Off Topic at all.
while school system employees and certain politicians are working to
eliminate those rights.
> Tia wrote (from Canada):Ned responds:
> I'm not in a war. One of many reasons why I left the U.S. is the tendency
> there to turn everything into a war. (war on poverty, war on drugs,
> etc.) I'm really a pretty peaceable person.
We are all "pretty peacable persons," but when our rights are threatened,
there is sometimes no option but to act in our own defense. Otherwise, we
can kiss our rights good-bye.
"If you don't know your rights, you have none." --- (can't find the author
of that)
Ned Vare
Tia Leschke
>Actually, I think the HSLDA does at least as much to threaten our rights as
>I had written:
> >> Unschoolers are in the same war as all other homeschoolers. I don't think
> >> that is Off Topic at all.
>The "war" is the one in which homeschoolers are trying to keep our rights,
>while school system employees and certain politicians are working to
>eliminate those rights.
school system employees and politicians.
>Ned responds:I think we probably disagree as to how much our rights are threatened.
>We are all "pretty peacable persons," but when our rights are threatened,
>there is sometimes no option but to act in our own defense. Otherwise, we
>can kiss our rights good-bye.
>"If you don't know your rights, you have none." --- (can't find the authorWell, I know what mine are.
>of that)
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island