Re: 2252 - Prayer 101
Luz Shosie and Ned Vare
on 8/15/02 10:31 PM, at wrote:
Prayer is not begging. Prayer is doing what's good and right.
If God is "omniscient" as we are told, then do we really need to tell God
our needs, or ask for favors? wrote:
> Whether it's true or not is another thing altogether. : )Ned announces:
> Bob
Prayer is not begging. Prayer is doing what's good and right.
If God is "omniscient" as we are told, then do we really need to tell God
our needs, or ask for favors?
Heather Woodward
If God is "omniscient" as we are told, then do we really need to tell God
our needs, or ask for favors?
I have always prayer as more of a benefit for me - than for God. Yes, he already knows what my needs are - but by praying, I find that I can quiet my mind - and get back to what really matters. I think it is much like meditation. Have you ever tried praying about the neighbor who sends his kids to public school - becuase homeschooling looks too "wierd" to them? Or praying that somehow others that have power and control over our governement will see things in a different light? - It might be an interesting excercise....
our needs, or ask for favors?
I have always prayer as more of a benefit for me - than for God. Yes, he already knows what my needs are - but by praying, I find that I can quiet my mind - and get back to what really matters. I think it is much like meditation. Have you ever tried praying about the neighbor who sends his kids to public school - becuase homeschooling looks too "wierd" to them? Or praying that somehow others that have power and control over our governement will see things in a different light? - It might be an interesting excercise....
----- Original Message -----
From: Luz Shosie and Ned Vare
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 1:41 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: 2252 - Prayer 101
on 8/15/02 10:31 PM, at wrote:
> Whether it's true or not is another thing altogether. : )
> Bob
Ned announces:
Prayer is not begging. Prayer is doing what's good and right.
If God is "omniscient" as we are told, then do we really need to tell God
our needs, or ask for favors?
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In a message dated 8/17/2002 10:41:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
nedvare@... writes:
I have heard that one point of prayer is to remind of just this very thing. A
sort of free therapy which puts things in perspective -- God's place and
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nedvare@... writes:
> If God is "omniscient" as we are told, then do we really need to tell GodNed,
> our needs, or ask for favors?
I have heard that one point of prayer is to remind of just this very thing. A
sort of free therapy which puts things in perspective -- God's place and
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I agree that prayer should not be begging. God is omniscient and He
does already know all that we need. Too often people treat prayer as
if it's some kind of magic potion. If they just pray hard enough,
then maybe they will be able to change God's mind to do what they
think He should do.
The purpose of prayer is to allign our will with God's and to deepen
our relationship with Him. So when something happens, we go to God,
talk to Him about it, tell Him how we feel. Then we should tell Him
that we know He has it under control and that we trust Him to do what
is best.
People sometimes pray for good weather. What they should do is talk
to God about their plans and then ask Him to plan our day--weather
included--according to His will. We might think that an event is
God's will and that it could only be His will for the weather to be
bright and sunny, but He might have better plans that can be best
accomplished through rain.
does already know all that we need. Too often people treat prayer as
if it's some kind of magic potion. If they just pray hard enough,
then maybe they will be able to change God's mind to do what they
think He should do.
The purpose of prayer is to allign our will with God's and to deepen
our relationship with Him. So when something happens, we go to God,
talk to Him about it, tell Him how we feel. Then we should tell Him
that we know He has it under control and that we trust Him to do what
is best.
People sometimes pray for good weather. What they should do is talk
to God about their plans and then ask Him to plan our day--weather
included--according to His will. We might think that an event is
God's will and that it could only be His will for the weather to be
bright and sunny, but He might have better plans that can be best
accomplished through rain.
> Prayer is not begging. Prayer is doing what's good and right.tell God
> If God is "omniscient" as we are told, then do we really need to
> our needs, or ask for favors?