Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/15/02 10:39 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> Message: 12
> Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 00:48:45 -0400
> From: "Heather Woodward" <bacwoodz@...>
> Subject: Re: Re: 2243 - Hell
> Ned,
> I like your sense of humor ;-) although there are some definate truths in
> what you said... what is that saying... "there is always truth in jest?"...
> Do you have copies of that video??
> ~heather

Ned answers, Yes, well we could make them. If you'd like one, please email
me privately and we can talk about it. I've already been suspected of trying
to "sell something" to this group.

I wrote yesterday that I have made several hour-long TV programs, called,
"School is Hell," that I play (sponsor -- it means that I take
responsibility for their content) on the local cable-access channels in area
towns. Luz and I sometimes make copies to send to homeschoolers (and others)
in other areas where they sponsor them on their local channels. It has been
a hobby. For example, when Linda Dobson comes to CT, we tape her talk and
make it into a program and play it on public access. She is glad to give us
permission. Same for John Gatto, Sam Blumenfeld, Pat Farenga, and others --

Call it a "Labor of UN-love"

If you'd like a tape, let me say first that they are not in any way made in
order to help families homeschool/unschool their children. They are personal
rants/ diatribes -- just me talking, with an edge of displeasure -- about
the failings of the public school system. I do not make these programs for
their general entertainment value. My purpose is to tell parents the goals
of those schools, the damage they do to the children, the parents, the
community, the culture, so they will at least consider taking the kids out.

We've made about 200 programs over the past 8 years and most of them are
about how rotten the public schools are. As time passed, and I went to
school board meetings listening to them talk about their (terrible) programs
and dishonest policies, imagining that those elected neighbors would take an
interest in changing things for the better. I found out that they are part
of the problem, and they are not even trying to be the solution. In fact,
they promote all the bad stuff that the schools do. They are the rubber
stamps for the school establishment and its employees. In CT, the local
school boards are agents of the state, not representatives of the town's
people. --- Yeah, it's that bad... They do the bidding of the state dept of
ed instead of working for local parents and children.

In this town, the local public access station televises all school board
meetings, so in my programs, I use tape (copied) from those meetings in
order to show the residents just how corrupt the system is. The local
schoolers have been up in arms about the programs (and me personally, of
course) for years, but I have continued, and the programs have become more,
shall we say, strident and confident until nowadays I simply call them
School Is Hell, and play it as a series of thirteen programs running each
week (twice) as a TV series. At the end of the three month cycle, I run
another series.

Much of my material comes from Gatto, Holt, Greenberg (Sudbury) and the
books of about one hundred other people -- all critical of the PS system
and therefore offering encouragement to take children out.

A few titles are:

Who Controls Our Children?
School Corruption
Public School: War Against Children
This is the Title of a series of many programs
Readin' Writin' and Ritalin
Dying For School
If Parents Ran the Schools... I & II
a list of questions about the bad policies that schools use
The High Price of Dumbing Down
What Parents Need To Know
Public School Teach Dumbness
Parents Versus the State
How Schools Got Dumb
Who, Exactly, is Teaching the Children?
Phonics Is How Reading Happens
-etc. get the idea, Since the school system is seamless, every thread
(topic) leads to the central problem that the system is a fraud.

All programs are one hour, suitable for play on public access, although
there might be some variations where you are.

I have, in this way, been what is called an "activist." Sponsoring the tapes
is my way of challenging the edu-stablishment. My hope is that others will
do it too.

Ned Vare