In a message dated 8/15/2002 3:01:43 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> scalping

Scalping was taught to them...... I have read many books on the subject of
native history (real books not the ones that are.....we you know, from people
with other agendas).
The history of Indian and European scalping

How did the Indians start scalping their victims? Very simply, they learned
it from the European settlers. A few Indian tribes had practiced scalping to
a very limited extent before the Europeans arrived. More often than not,
scalping was practiced as a response in kind. The Eurpoeans had taught them,
first hand, the horror of viewing the mutilated remains of their families and
friends after an attack by white settlers. By inflicting the same mutilation
on their enemies they had hoped to stem the onslaught of these white settlers
that were invading their land. To some Indians,if the attacks could not stop
the whites, at least it would send the message that they were prepared to be
as unscrupulous as the Europeans. The Iroquois in particular, used scalping
to this purpose.
In the 11th century, the Earl of Wessex scalped his enemies. When the
English and the Dutch came to the new world they brought the custom with
them. This activity was brought not so much as an official method of warfare,
but as a bounty to ease the anger of the frontiersmen. The western border of
the colonies was being populated with settlers that were comprised of a
dubious lot. They were outlaws and runaways. With them they brought disease
and alcohol. The frontier was a breeding ground for conflict with the Indian
population. Initially the frontiersmen turned on the Indians in an attempt to
move them off the land. When the Indians retaliated, the settlers turned to
the government for help. The settlers demanded retribution for the Indian
reprisals. The Dutch, and soon after the English, government created the
scalp bounty as a means to pacify the settlers. Simply, they paid a fee for
each scalp that was delivered to the locally appointed magistrate. Although
the army was accomplishing the task of displacing the Indians, the bounty
encouraged settlers to mount attacks on the Indians whenever they could. In
1703, Massachusetts paid 12 pounds for an Indian scalp. By 1723 the price had
soared to 100 pounds. To the frontiersmen, it did not matter if the scalp
came from an Indian or a white man. All that mattered was the bonus. The
practice eventually became widespread. The French used the bounty on scalps
to eradicate a peaceful tribe in Newfoundland. During the French and Indian
Wars, the English offered their troops a bounty of 200 pounds for the scalp
of the chief of the Delaware tribe, Shinngass. This was 25 times the price
that they offered their Indian allies for the scalp of a French soldier. This
practice of paying a bounty for Indian scalps continued into the 19th century
before the public put an end to the practice. This practice of paying a scalp
bounty inspired a widespread retaliation from the Indians. White frontiersmen
would scalp not only the warriors but also the women and the children. In
many cases the scalp was not even taken from an Indian. The government could
not tell the difference. However, the Indians were blamed for initiating the
practice, because no European would stoop so low as to take a scalp. It
should also be noted that only the Indians were held accountable for the

Author's name omitted by request

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