
I'm a newbie to this list, not to unschooling. I have been
unschooling for several years, ever since I found that "school at
home" doesn't work for our relaxed and versatile family
environment. Since little ones join our family every two years or
so and we are a family-bedding, nursing on demand, no vaccinations,
homeschooling in the country family, unschooling seems to be the
only way for our family to learn. I had hoped to feel a little
less "weird" by joining this list, and I have to say I have loved
the posts the last couple of weeks and feel among kindred spirits,
so to speak. With Ned, because of his strong beliefs that might
annoy others. (I annoy many non-homeschoolers or even mothers who
vaccinate because of MY strong beliefs) With Sandra and Mary,
because of their strong beliefs in their children's learning from
life. With all of you because of our common interests.
That said, I also love a good debate. I'm sorry, but being at home
all day with five children (we have 7, two out on thier own)means I
have very little adult human contact and I truly crave adult
conversation, albeit via the Internet. I subscribe to magazines
for the same reason, my interests ranging from "Brain Child"
(magazine for thinking mothers) to "Family Foundations" (magazine
for couples using natural family planning, or in our case, God's
Family Planning), and of course, my favorite homeschooling magazine
(and the only one I subscribe to!) "Home Education". I crave mind
stimulation even more than I crave chocolate!
I may have missed much of the arguing, have only been reading these
posts for two weeks, but I sensed a kindred spirit in Ned very
quickly as I once belonged to a list for mothers at home which I was
the one being asked to leave by a couple of others because my ideas
about homeschooling offended them. Somehow, my passion for
homeschooling and unschooling left them feeling very defensive about
their own choices to send their children to school. After leaving
their group I wrote an essay about this very thing, how some of my
fledgling friendships have not survived the differences in our life
choices. Too many mothers assume that because I have chosen
homeschooling, or allowing God to plan our family, that I must
believe their different choices are WRONG. I do not believe that.
I do what works for my family, and those who feel defensive about my
choices must not be comfortable in their own.
What does this have to do with Ned? Well, after awhile, some
members of thsi previous group took everything and everything
I "said" in a negative tone, even when I was back-pedalling fast and
trying to make things right with them. Nothing I said was looked on
in a positive light. I hope that after a recent posting of Ned's,
everyone will give him the benefit of the doubt and "listen" to what
he is saying. He must be a very passionate person about his
beliefs, and that is a wonderful thing. And those who have taken
offense must be very passionate as well. I love that high interest
and intelligence in people and hope to continue to see it on this
list. But I truly hope one person will not be kicked off the list
for a bad choice of words or an all-consuming passion, or I might be
next for not vaccinating my children! :o) (or, at least, in
choosing *fighting words* to villify my beliefs!)
By the way, I'm 42, and I kind of thought "wussy" just meant someone
not real brave, or that wouldn't stand up for what they believe!
Thanks to all of you for your stimulating conversations lately.
Mary from IA (to distinguish myself from the other Mary that posts
regularly on here)