It is so sad that there really ARE people coming to this list because they
want to learn about unschooling and leaving, disappointed and disillusioned,
not able to sift through to find the gems of great unschooling information
that are mixed in with the vitriol and ranting and all the responses.

So - here is a suggestion directly to those who do want to learn about and
talk about unschooling -- try the message boards.

Email lists are very difficult to manage -- and this one is one of the most
difficult. Message boards are way easier and can be divided up by topics --
you can ask questions and get feedback AND easily read previous posts on the
topics of your choice.


National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Tia Leschke

>So - here is a suggestion directly to those who do want to learn about and
>talk about unschooling -- try the message boards.
>Email lists are very difficult to manage -- and this one is one of the most
>difficult. Message boards are way easier and can be divided up by topics --
>you can ask questions and get feedback AND easily read previous posts on the
>topics of your choice.

When/if we get cable. I find message boards unbearably slow on dial-up,
and they use up too much online time.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island