[email protected]

Just wanted to let you know that I received your "gift". I wanted to
e-mail you privately, but I have lost your e-mail addy. My husband and I
couldn't believe that you sent payment and a gift! It didn't cost much at
all to send you those game instructions, so payment was unnecessary. We were
glad to do it!!
Your thanks was already enough to warm my heart, so I cannot tell you
how much your gift meant to me. I am sometimes overwhelmed by the loving
gestures of people in this world (that is usually so uncaring and sometimes
cruel.) You have made me realise that there are still alot of wonderful
people out there. Thank you so much for taking the extra time, effort and
money to send your token of appreciation to me. It is now my turn to show
you some appreciation, so I just wanted to say a very deep and heartfelt Thank