
nedvare@... wrote:

> Some of my recent posts have had the purpose of telling homeschoolers that
> if we are not vigilant, and willing to guard/keep our rights, then they
> be taken away. That would be a terrible thing, and not just for
> homeschoolers.

Let's go back to before recent posts. Let's go back to when you first
started posting here and I was amazed at your unschooling knowledge and
experience that you were sharing with us.
What has happened to the Ned Vare that I truly respected and admired for
giving out GREAT unschooling advice?
In the past week or two, it seems you have found your political voice here,
and I am really missing your unschooling voice.

It's not that I don't agree with some of what you've been saying recently,
but what am I supposed to do with that information? How can it help me with
unschooling my two boys who are 9 & 11?

You really impressed me with some of your earlier posts. That was the kind
of stuff I'd want to print out and have on hand to give to my MIL when the
time comes and she asks "whadya mean you're unschooling?". The old Ned is
who I'm hoping to see at the conference to inspire and encourage me further
about unschooling.

Will the old Ned please come back? I miss you!

Karin in AZ