[email protected]

I am new and have never posted before. I feel like I have sailed a rough
sea and finally found dry land - and that is a modest way of saying
it!:) I have wanted to teach my kids (6) at home the unschooling way and
didn't know there was any such thing. My kids endured school and that is
putting it mildly. More than one has suffered to the extreme by just
being in the building. I don't want to go into it all and drag up the
trauma. I am SO happy to have finally found exactly what I have been
looking for. If it weren't for my youngest son yelling and screaming and
telling me about his nightmares about going back to school - he's 11 - I
wouldn't have bothered to investigate homeschooling again. I found this
site when I went to VAHE site. So now that I am on dry land I am off to
explore the territory! Michele

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