Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall

><< Many people still don't get it. I get tired of explaining what
> were with school. School is such a different place than it was even a few
> years ago. Others refuse to see what I;m saying so I figure the less said
> better. >>
>Yep you hit that stage about a year after you leave the system.

I'm already getting there and my kids have never been in the system. They
are not even preschool age yet, but I have no desire to educate "hostiles"
as to our reasons for choosing unschooling. I prefer to discuss the pros
and cons with like minded folks who can give me positive feedback,
emotional support, social interaction and educational ideas, than to argue
it out with someone who does not respect my judgement or parenting skills.

Nanci K. in Idaho


Here Here! I decided a few years ago that all those Hostile's I was encountering had a problem with HSing, not me.
I no longer take it upon myself to educate them. The way I see it, time is precious. It is not my responsibility to
educate these people about the many educational alternatives available to us all. They can either take the time
to investigate the possibilities same as I have or not, but it is no longer my mission. Life is too short to spend it
focusing on the negative with negatively inclined people. You know what I told the last person who wanted to start
one of those very heated how you can you deprive your child of the benefits of school conversations?
I told her I homeschooled because I liked that old song "Accentuate the Positive" and I walked away whistling.


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On 10/26/99 at 12:25 PM Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall wrote:

>From: Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall <tn-k4of5@...>
>><< Many people still don't get it. I get tired of explaining what
>> were with school. School is such a different place than it was even a few
>> years ago. Others refuse to see what I;m saying so I figure the less said
>> better. >>
>>Yep you hit that stage about a year after you leave the system.
>I'm already getting there and my kids have never been in the system. They
>are not even preschool age yet, but I have no desire to educate "hostiles"
>as to our reasons for choosing unschooling. I prefer to discuss the pros
>and cons with like minded folks who can give me positive feedback,
>emotional support, social interaction and educational ideas, than to argue
>it out with someone who does not respect my judgement or parenting skills.
>Nanci K. in Idaho
>>Check it out!

I told her I homeschooled because I liked that old song "Accentuate the
Positive" and I walked away whistling.

ROFL!!! I LOVE IT! I may just have to steal that from you next time I run
into one of *those*!


Grin! You wanna hear something? Well, my family is full of those types of people (like my cousin, who every time she sees
my daughter says something mean like "So who did you play with today? Oh that's right, your mother homeschools you, you
don't get to see other, normal children..) and the other day a cousin's child asked my daughter, "Hey, how come your mom
whistles alla time?"
Hee hee hee, Sessuale

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On 10/28/99 at 10:03 AM WhizMrs@... wrote:

>From: WhizMrs@...
>I told her I homeschooled because I liked that old song "Accentuate the
>Positive" and I walked away whistling.
>ROFL!!! I LOVE IT! I may just have to steal that from you next time I run
>into one of *those*!
>>Check it out!

A. Yates

Ha, Ha, Ha,...... Heee..... Hee......
That is great! Thanks for the big smile I got on that one.

Anony wrote:

> From: "Anony" <primo@...>
> Grin! You wanna hear something? Well, my family is full of those types of people (like my cousin, who every time she sees
> my daughter says something mean like "So who did you play with today? Oh that's right, your mother homeschools you, you
> don't get to see other, normal children..) and the other day a cousin's child asked my daughter, "Hey, how come your mom
> whistles alla time?"
> Hee hee hee, Sessuale
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
> On 10/28/99 at 10:03 AM WhizMrs@... wrote:
> >From: WhizMrs@...
> >
> >I told her I homeschooled because I liked that old song "Accentuate the
> >Positive" and I walked away whistling.
> >
> >ROFL!!! I LOVE IT! I may just have to steal that from you next time I run
> >into one of *those*!
> >
> >>Check it out!
> >
> > Check it out!