[email protected]

Sorry, sent a blank letter.
I have it when we homeschooled.
It is the older version from a couple of years ago.
I will sell it to you for 100.00 plus cost of postage, if you want it... all
My son hated it! He is 9.
We chucked it!
But, if your child is asking for it, perhaps it will work out.
Does she like flash cards? Listening to tapes and repeating sounds?
It is a lot of repetion.
Obviously I didn't do a good sales pitch to get rid of a system we don't use.
But if it suits you (even after what I have shared.. :-) and it might.. :-)
Let's work out the details off this post, maybe.
I am at

By the way, I am a public school teacher... (crazy concept isn't it since we
We do many off the regular schooling technics in my class.
Kids actually direct their learning and LOVE IT!
Imagine that!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]