Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

More apologies to all for all my diatribes, and for those that may still
come. Last I looked, Helen was saying that in the subject of unschooling,
hardly anything was Off Topic. I have long believed that it's important for
people to know that, deep down, the school system is out to eliminate us,
even though there are some sympathetic people among its employees.
That's partly why I called our practice "The Education Underground."

Anyway, I have plenty of precedent for my feelings about the school system
we reject. I believe that many who enter the world of Homeschooling, do so
without quite knowing why they do it. They know that they didn't get along
in their child's school and they knew it wasn't educating their child, but
can't put their finger on what it was specifically that bothered them, even
if the teachers seemed nice enough...

Here's a passage from John T.Gatto that might help some newbies who find
themselves in that catagory:

>>>As long as we're questioning public schooling, we should question whether
there really is an abstraction called "the public" at all, except in the
ominour calculations of social engineers....I find the term [public]
insulting, a cartoon of social reality.

>>> If an institution that robs people of their right to self-determination can
call itself "public;" if being "public" means it can turn families into
agents of the state, making parents spy on and harass their sons and
daughters because a schoolteacher tells them to; if the state can steal your
home because you can't pay its "public" school taxes, and the state courst
can break up your family if you refust to allow the state to tell your
children what to think, then the word "public" is garbage and for people who
allow themselves to be treated like slaves. <<<

I'm on your side. I will stand up for your rights.

Ned Vare