Learning to love to learn
i think THAT is the most important thing
learning to LOVE to learn..
and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL
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learning to LOVE to learn..
and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL
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natural mama
At 02:01 PM 8/6/02 -0500, you wrote:
people) I'm told that it's "too bad" and that my experiences were
"isolated". Bullcrap, I say. Oh, my personal favorite "schools are
DIFFERENT now". Nobody can tell me how they are different though.
ebay ID thenaturalmama
Katie 9
Anna 6.5
Jordie 4
Noah 16 mos
>i think THAT is the most important thingwhenever my personal experiences in PS are brought up (with mainstream
>learning to LOVE to learn..
>and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL
people) I'm told that it's "too bad" and that my experiences were
"isolated". Bullcrap, I say. Oh, my personal favorite "schools are
DIFFERENT now". Nobody can tell me how they are different though.
ebay ID thenaturalmama
Katie 9
Anna 6.5
Jordie 4
Noah 16 mos
zenmomma *
>i think THAT is the most important thingI totally agree. How about tweaking it a little further to: The most
>learning to LOVE to learn..
>and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL
important thing is remembering to LOVE to learn. :o)
Life is good.
MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
EXACTLY... because when we're born it is our purpose in life.. and we LOVE it.. it's play..
so it's Remembering to love to learn...
so it's Remembering to love to learn...
----- Original Message -----
From: zenmomma *
To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Learning to love to learn
>i think THAT is the most important thing
>learning to LOVE to learn..
>and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL
I totally agree. How about tweaking it a little further to: The most
important thing is remembering to LOVE to learn. :o)
Life is good.
MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
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In a message dated 8/6/02 1:05:36 PM, naturallyorganic@... writes:
<< . Oh, my personal favorite "schools are
DIFFERENT now". Nobody can tell me how they are different though.
teachers I know say it) they clearly mean "Schools are worse now; whatever
you were remembering fondly is gone."
<< . Oh, my personal favorite "schools are
DIFFERENT now". Nobody can tell me how they are different though.
>>In my experience when people say "schools are different now" (especially when
teachers I know say it) they clearly mean "Schools are worse now; whatever
you were remembering fondly is gone."
Tia Leschke
><< . Oh, my personal favorite "schools areWhen I say it, I mean that they're worse now. But I mean worse than the
>DIFFERENT now". Nobody can tell me how they are different though.
> >>
>In my experience when people say "schools are different now" (especially when
>teachers I know say it) they clearly mean "Schools are worse now; whatever
>you were remembering fondly is gone."
bad they were when I was going through them. I don't think they were ever
a good place for most kids, though they may have been a safer place than
home for some kids.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island
natural mama
At 10:59 AM 8/7/02 -0700, you wrote:
"better" more progressive, more understanding, more flexible..... right-o.
> >In my experience when people say "schools are different now" (especiallythat is what I mean as well. what other ppl are saying is that they are
> when
> >teachers I know say it) they clearly mean "Schools are worse now; whatever
> >you were remembering fondly is gone."
>When I say it, I mean that they're worse now.
"better" more progressive, more understanding, more flexible..... right-o.