
i think THAT is the most important thing
learning to LOVE to learn..

and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

natural mama

At 02:01 PM 8/6/02 -0500, you wrote:
>i think THAT is the most important thing
>learning to LOVE to learn..
>and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL

whenever my personal experiences in PS are brought up (with mainstream
people) I'm told that it's "too bad" and that my experiences were
"isolated". Bullcrap, I say. Oh, my personal favorite "schools are
DIFFERENT now". Nobody can tell me how they are different though.

ebay ID thenaturalmama
Katie 9
Anna 6.5
Jordie 4
Noah 16 mos

zenmomma *

>i think THAT is the most important thing
>learning to LOVE to learn..
>and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL

I totally agree. How about tweaking it a little further to: The most
important thing is remembering to LOVE to learn. :o)

Life is good.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


EXACTLY... because when we're born it is our purpose in life.. and we LOVE it.. it's play..

so it's Remembering to love to learn...

----- Original Message -----
From: zenmomma *
To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Learning to love to learn

>i think THAT is the most important thing
>learning to LOVE to learn..
>and THAT is what ps tends to totally KILL

I totally agree. How about tweaking it a little further to: The most
important thing is remembering to LOVE to learn. :o)

Life is good.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 8/6/02 1:05:36 PM, naturallyorganic@... writes:

<< . Oh, my personal favorite "schools are
DIFFERENT now". Nobody can tell me how they are different though.

In my experience when people say "schools are different now" (especially when
teachers I know say it) they clearly mean "Schools are worse now; whatever
you were remembering fondly is gone."


Tia Leschke

><< . Oh, my personal favorite "schools are
>DIFFERENT now". Nobody can tell me how they are different though.
> >>
>In my experience when people say "schools are different now" (especially when
>teachers I know say it) they clearly mean "Schools are worse now; whatever
>you were remembering fondly is gone."

When I say it, I mean that they're worse now. But I mean worse than the
bad they were when I was going through them. I don't think they were ever
a good place for most kids, though they may have been a safer place than
home for some kids.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island

natural mama

At 10:59 AM 8/7/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >In my experience when people say "schools are different now" (especially
> when
> >teachers I know say it) they clearly mean "Schools are worse now; whatever
> >you were remembering fondly is gone."
>When I say it, I mean that they're worse now.

that is what I mean as well. what other ppl are saying is that they are
"better" more progressive, more understanding, more flexible..... right-o.
