[NHEN-SpeakOut] DoDEA meeting with NHEN
Sue Patterson by way of Home Education
Hi Everyone,
I've already sent this out to the NHEN Military Contacts
(if you're homeschooling in the military and would like to be a contact for
your installation, sign up here:
http://www.nhen.org/nhen/pov/military/form_military_contact.asp?id=207 )
Colonel Lynch from DoDEA wants to discuss homeschooling with someone active
with NHEN. He decided to fly to Texas, where he could meet with me (as NHEN
Military Coordinator) and Laura Derrick, (NHEN board member living in Texas
Some of the discussion will be about the recent legislation giving
homeschoolers' access to auxiliary services in overseas school facilities.
My goal in this particular conversation is to be sure that the requirements
that are going to be implemented to do this, are only applied to the
homeschoolers choosing to use these services.
I think Colonel Lynch is also interested in simply finding out more about
homeschooling in general. I think this is a very positive thing - and a
great opportunity to give him information and clear up any misconceptions he
may have about homeschooling. I've asked the NHEN Military contacts to send
me any suggestions, comments, problems that they're encountering, and then
I'll share it with Col. Lynch.
If you're a military homeschooling family, I'd like to know if your
installation is doing anything to help homeschoolers. Likewise, if your
installation is making it difficult, I'd like to know that too. I would
really like to give Colonel Lynch the chance to hear what's really happening
out there - good and bad.
Thanks! Email me by August 20th, at Military@... if you have
information to share. Feel free to share this on any other homeschooling
email lists.
Sue Patterson
NHEN Military Coordinator
National Home Education Network
NHEN Military Webpages:
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I've already sent this out to the NHEN Military Contacts
(if you're homeschooling in the military and would like to be a contact for
your installation, sign up here:
http://www.nhen.org/nhen/pov/military/form_military_contact.asp?id=207 )
Colonel Lynch from DoDEA wants to discuss homeschooling with someone active
with NHEN. He decided to fly to Texas, where he could meet with me (as NHEN
Military Coordinator) and Laura Derrick, (NHEN board member living in Texas
Some of the discussion will be about the recent legislation giving
homeschoolers' access to auxiliary services in overseas school facilities.
My goal in this particular conversation is to be sure that the requirements
that are going to be implemented to do this, are only applied to the
homeschoolers choosing to use these services.
I think Colonel Lynch is also interested in simply finding out more about
homeschooling in general. I think this is a very positive thing - and a
great opportunity to give him information and clear up any misconceptions he
may have about homeschooling. I've asked the NHEN Military contacts to send
me any suggestions, comments, problems that they're encountering, and then
I'll share it with Col. Lynch.
If you're a military homeschooling family, I'd like to know if your
installation is doing anything to help homeschoolers. Likewise, if your
installation is making it difficult, I'd like to know that too. I would
really like to give Colonel Lynch the chance to hear what's really happening
out there - good and bad.
Thanks! Email me by August 20th, at Military@... if you have
information to share. Feel free to share this on any other homeschooling
email lists.
Sue Patterson
NHEN Military Coordinator
National Home Education Network
NHEN Military Webpages:
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To become an NHEN Member, please visit www.nhen.org or take this link
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