RE: linda ll's car
Jon and Rue Kream
We saw a car like this just the other day, and my kids were asking me all
sorts of questions that you can answer for me!! They want to know what kind
of glue you used, if you have a problem with things falling off all the
time, how long it took you, and whether you can go through a car wash. :0)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
sorts of questions that you can answer for me!! They want to know what kind
of glue you used, if you have a problem with things falling off all the
time, how long it took you, and whether you can go through a car wash. :0)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
pam.. you did a much better job of getting across what i was trying to say.. thanks..
and as for rules in unschooling.. being uncontrollably compulsive about avoiding rules myself.... i see i have given myself a RULE to NOT go by rules.. ... lololl..
but what i see mostly here is that what i have been doing when OUT of school all of my life is "unschooling" and now i have freed my younger son from the virtual cage of public school.. and now i will see what happens..
i know i am going to run into conflicts with his dad.. so am trying to find a middle ground where i can ask certain things of him.. to prove to his dad that i am not neglecting his education.. (we're talking a guy with so many rules i had to divorce him.. )..
So.. that is one thing i would like to ask this group about, if they have encountered this problem of disagreeing parents and ways they have dealt with it.
and i also want to add that i have been picking up a lot of good ideas here.. AND comfort from seeing that others are doing what i have wanted to do with my kids before now. .and what i know in my heart is the best way to learn things.
K-12 school is such an accepted part of our culture.. that i am just now really beginning to rebel against it.. had i known more of this as a kid, i'd dropped out immediately and begun my real education earlier than i did..
and i've really got nothing against guidelines that i may see as rules but are helpful to others. ..
and i gotta add one more thing.. at first i was put off by the bickering i encountered a while back when i first joined this group, i totally agree with.. whoever it was who said it.. that i'd rather have some bickering now and then than so much politeness and fear of hurting feelings that nothing really gets said.. maybe it's cause i'm older and caring less and less what other people really think about me.. because i found out it's what i think about myself that really counts.. and that's what i try to teach my kids.. in an UNteaching kinda way, mind you.. hahahha.. sorta like "I am ALWAYS right.. and i say what is important!".. hahahaa.. and they say "NO.. I'M right!".... i think they are learning..
Linda LL
(or LLL)
(or L)
(and hey, did i tell y'all i was on the news the other day with my art car.. any artists interested in decorating their cars be encouraged... and go seethe article at.. uh..
and click on "jewel of a car")
and as for rules in unschooling.. being uncontrollably compulsive about avoiding rules myself.... i see i have given myself a RULE to NOT go by rules.. ... lololl..
but what i see mostly here is that what i have been doing when OUT of school all of my life is "unschooling" and now i have freed my younger son from the virtual cage of public school.. and now i will see what happens..
i know i am going to run into conflicts with his dad.. so am trying to find a middle ground where i can ask certain things of him.. to prove to his dad that i am not neglecting his education.. (we're talking a guy with so many rules i had to divorce him.. )..
So.. that is one thing i would like to ask this group about, if they have encountered this problem of disagreeing parents and ways they have dealt with it.
and i also want to add that i have been picking up a lot of good ideas here.. AND comfort from seeing that others are doing what i have wanted to do with my kids before now. .and what i know in my heart is the best way to learn things.
K-12 school is such an accepted part of our culture.. that i am just now really beginning to rebel against it.. had i known more of this as a kid, i'd dropped out immediately and begun my real education earlier than i did..
and i've really got nothing against guidelines that i may see as rules but are helpful to others. ..
and i gotta add one more thing.. at first i was put off by the bickering i encountered a while back when i first joined this group, i totally agree with.. whoever it was who said it.. that i'd rather have some bickering now and then than so much politeness and fear of hurting feelings that nothing really gets said.. maybe it's cause i'm older and caring less and less what other people really think about me.. because i found out it's what i think about myself that really counts.. and that's what i try to teach my kids.. in an UNteaching kinda way, mind you.. hahahha.. sorta like "I am ALWAYS right.. and i say what is important!".. hahahaa.. and they say "NO.. I'M right!".... i think they are learning..
Linda LL
(or LLL)
(or L)
(and hey, did i tell y'all i was on the news the other day with my art car.. any artists interested in decorating their cars be encouraged... and go seethe article at.. uh..
and click on "jewel of a car")
----- Original Message -----
From: PSoroosh@...
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] arguments and bad feelings
In a message dated 8/4/2002 9:54:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
llindsey3@... writes:
> i mean for one thing.. i find SO MANY rules on this list.. i have seen as
> many rules for UNschooling as i have for SCHOOLING... hahhaahaha.. but then
> .... some people need rules..
So - let's take off from this post and talk about this idea that there are
"rules" for unschooling.
What I've seen I didn't take as "rules" so much as people talking about what
they really mean by unschooling. Rules implies there is some kind of enforcer
-- some standard that we are required to follow. But - this is just email -
just a discussion list. You don't have to register as an unschooler and
nobody is authorized to check up on us <G>. People might say, "That isn't
unschooling." So what? THAT itself is just something to consider -- think
about - "Hey, maybe there is MORE to unschooling than I understood before -
let me ask some more or write some more and get more feedback about this new
development." Or they might think, "Whoa - I think I was totally
misunderstood - let me clarify what I meant because I really DO think it is
unschooling. Let's see if my clarification changes the response."
Here on this list we often seem to talk about what unschooling really is --
and when people do that, try to describe what they see as "unschooling,"
sometimes other people feel like they are trying to impose rules.
I think it does have to do, as Mary said, with how confident people are with
their own decisions. Some people feel personally criticized when someone
says, "That isn't unschooling." Some people feel they are having rules
imposed on them when someone says: "Using a formal phonics program is not
unschooling." Some people really have a desire to "be" unschoolers and it
feels bad to them when people take it farther than they really want to take
it. They see it as a power struggle over who gets the bragging rights - to
call themselves unschoolers. But REALLY it isn't about that - it is just
about exchanging ideas -- that's ALL.
Instead of feeling imposed on - a more confident person would say, to
themselves, "Oh - interesting - that person doesn't think this is
unschooling. I wonder why not? I wonder what, in her opinion, an unschooler
WOULD do in this situation? I wonder if she really understood what I meant? I
wonder if there COULD be another way that would work better? I wonder if this
might actually have some deleterious side effects? I wonder what they might
be? Hmmm - I don't think I agree with this point she made - let me say on the
list why I don't agree and find out what the response will be - give me and
others something more to consider."
AND they might say, to themselves, "Hmmm - I really like what we're already
doing - it is really working for us - so that comment didn't really hit home
for me. Maybe we're not as radical unschoolers as some others are -
interesting to hear how far some people do take this, though. Should I change
what we're doing? I don't really want to. Well, at least I can consider other
options and know that there are people out there doing things differently.
Worth being aware of that in case I do decide that what we're now doing is no
longer working well for us."
National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the Moderator, Joyce Fetteroll, at fetteroll@...
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Shelly G
--- llindsey3@... wrote:
I have a modest amount of experience in unschooling,
but have spent a great deal (read: way too much) of
time "handling" my ex-husband with regard to
Anything specific in this area you'd like to hear
about? I'd be glad to offer any of my experience if it
would be helpful to you.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does." -- Margaret Mead
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Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better
>Hi Linda,
> So.. that is one thing i would like to ask this
> group about, if they have encountered this problem
> of disagreeing parents and ways they have dealt with
> it.
I have a modest amount of experience in unschooling,
but have spent a great deal (read: way too much) of
time "handling" my ex-husband with regard to
Anything specific in this area you'd like to hear
about? I'd be glad to offer any of my experience if it
would be helpful to you.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does." -- Margaret Mead
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Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better
OH thank you .. and the X is about to be attached to MY husband as well...
he thinks school is the most important thing in the world.. i think he is going to want to make sure my son is doing the things that other fourth graders are.. or some kind of evidence that he is learning what they are learning.. i'm sure he thinks max will go back to school for fifth grade.. i doubt max will want to.. and that's good enuf for me !! ..
i can keep track of our activities, but... who knows.. his dad is already doubtful about the fact that i let max sleep when he wants and stay up all night if he wants.. lol... i mean i'd like to see HIM control when this child sleeps or eats or ANYthing.. and he knows i have no intention of doing that..
what do you do? i am not sure how i'm going to handle it.. i'm just sort of takign things as they come these days..
he thinks school is the most important thing in the world.. i think he is going to want to make sure my son is doing the things that other fourth graders are.. or some kind of evidence that he is learning what they are learning.. i'm sure he thinks max will go back to school for fifth grade.. i doubt max will want to.. and that's good enuf for me !! ..
i can keep track of our activities, but... who knows.. his dad is already doubtful about the fact that i let max sleep when he wants and stay up all night if he wants.. lol... i mean i'd like to see HIM control when this child sleeps or eats or ANYthing.. and he knows i have no intention of doing that..
what do you do? i am not sure how i'm going to handle it.. i'm just sort of takign things as they come these days..
----- Original Message -----
From: Shelly G
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] the UN.. way of life..
--- llindsey3@... wrote:
> So.. that is one thing i would like to ask this
> group about, if they have encountered this problem
> of disagreeing parents and ways they have dealt with
> it.
Hi Linda,
I have a modest amount of experience in unschooling,
but have spent a great deal (read: way too much) of
time "handling" my ex-husband with regard to
Anything specific in this area you'd like to hear
about? I'd be glad to offer any of my experience if it
would be helpful to you.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does." -- Margaret Mead
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better
If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the Moderator, Joyce Fetteroll, at fetteroll@...
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
Visit the Unschooling website:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> i know i am going to run into conflicts with his dad.. so am tryingto find a middle ground where i can ask certain things of him.. to
prove to his dad that i am not neglecting his education.. (we're
talking a guy with so many rules i had to divorce him.. )..
Instead of putting requirements on your son, what about you keeping
a daily journal. If your ex (or anyone else) challenges you, you
pull out the journal. Say he got up and ate cereal and read the
cereal box(and let's just say there was a picture of the food pyramid
there). Then he went outside and played for an hour. Came in and
emailed a friend before going to the store with you. Spellcheck
found a few errors. Maybe he wanted gum from the bubble gum machine
and you didn't have any quarters so you gave him a dollar and told
him to run in and got 4 quarters from the cashier. Then before he
turned his lights out for bed he read for a few minutes. You make up
the following journal:
Day one:
Health and nutrition--read about the food pyramid
physical education-ball game
language arts-composed a letter
spelling--corrected spelling on the letter before finishing the final
computer skills-learned about communications using computers
math-money skills
You continue until you have 180 days filled with this educationese
nonsense or whatever the required number of days in your state is for
compulsory education.
Can you tell I live in PA? lol I've heard some really creative
discussions on what to call every day things we do with our kids.
I'm not as good the "educationese" as some other ladies in my state
ah, sheila, very good 'school activities'
my challenge at the moment comes from my son almost refusing to read.. (from all the REQUIRED) reading in school (well, and he wants to be different from his brother who wont' STOP reading.. ) oh yeah.. AND the attitude of the other kids in school he wanted to fit in with.. he is still in de-tox from school..
so i am having to get really creative to explain how spending most of his waking hours on Neopets and Wrestling sites is teaching him long division, texas history, and geography.. husband not worried about the language reading so much as he knows max gets those and has a better vocabulary than most adults already.. i am trying to make sure max is AWARE of the stock market on neopets..
but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... well, i guess we could track the cities in which they perform.. and sneak in a little bio details of wrestlers for history.. hahaaha.. what a shame i have to jump thru the hoops.. oh well.. better than school for the kid...
at least here in texas all they want is a written "curriculum" as far as i know.. woops and i better get a letter written so they wont expect him in class thus year..
my challenge at the moment comes from my son almost refusing to read.. (from all the REQUIRED) reading in school (well, and he wants to be different from his brother who wont' STOP reading.. ) oh yeah.. AND the attitude of the other kids in school he wanted to fit in with.. he is still in de-tox from school..
so i am having to get really creative to explain how spending most of his waking hours on Neopets and Wrestling sites is teaching him long division, texas history, and geography.. husband not worried about the language reading so much as he knows max gets those and has a better vocabulary than most adults already.. i am trying to make sure max is AWARE of the stock market on neopets..
but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... well, i guess we could track the cities in which they perform.. and sneak in a little bio details of wrestlers for history.. hahaaha.. what a shame i have to jump thru the hoops.. oh well.. better than school for the kid...
at least here in texas all they want is a written "curriculum" as far as i know.. woops and i better get a letter written so they wont expect him in class thus year..
----- Original Message -----
From: kayb85
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 8:39 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: the UN.. way of life..
> i know i am going to run into conflicts with his dad.. so am trying
to find a middle ground where i can ask certain things of him.. to
prove to his dad that i am not neglecting his education.. (we're
talking a guy with so many rules i had to divorce him.. )..
Instead of putting requirements on your son, what about you keeping
a daily journal. If your ex (or anyone else) challenges you, you
pull out the journal. Say he got up and ate cereal and read the
cereal box(and let's just say there was a picture of the food pyramid
there). Then he went outside and played for an hour. Came in and
emailed a friend before going to the store with you. Spellcheck
found a few errors. Maybe he wanted gum from the bubble gum machine
and you didn't have any quarters so you gave him a dollar and told
him to run in and got 4 quarters from the cashier. Then before he
turned his lights out for bed he read for a few minutes. You make up
the following journal:
Day one:
Health and nutrition--read about the food pyramid
physical education-ball game
language arts-composed a letter
spelling--corrected spelling on the letter before finishing the final
computer skills-learned about communications using computers
math-money skills
You continue until you have 180 days filled with this educationese
nonsense or whatever the required number of days in your state is for
compulsory education.
Can you tell I live in PA? lol I've heard some really creative
discussions on what to call every day things we do with our kids.
I'm not as good the "educationese" as some other ladies in my state
If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the Moderator, Joyce Fetteroll, at fetteroll@...
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
oh.. and yes, i used tshirt paint.. tulip brand from the craft store.. in fact most of the rhinestones are held on with only that.. but it has to come up on the edges like a setting.. and i can just wash it like any other car.. stuff stays on really well.. eventually the texas sun will take its toll tho.. so i try to keep it in the shade when possible and need to get some uv protecting clear paint to cover it with..
and it took me years doing a bit at a time.. but i did a lot of it this spring.. i figured i put in about 2 or 3 hundred hours total into it..
and it took me years doing a bit at a time.. but i did a lot of it this spring.. i figured i put in about 2 or 3 hundred hours total into it..
----- Original Message -----
From: Jon and Rue Kream
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 1:36 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] RE: linda ll's car
We saw a car like this just the other day, and my kids were asking me all
sorts of questions that you can answer for me!! They want to know what kind
of glue you used, if you have a problem with things falling off all the
time, how long it took you, and whether you can go through a car wash. :0)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the Moderator, Joyce Fetteroll, at fetteroll@...
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
Visit the Unschooling website:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
In a message dated 8/4/2002 10:16:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
llindsey3@... writes:
link to legal information. Or somebody from Texas on this list may help fill
you in - Texas is probably the best state in the country for unschooling -
you're in good shape there, at least.
National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
llindsey3@... writes:
> at least here in texas all they want is a written "curriculum" as far as iNope - no written curriculum in Texas -- check and click on the
> know.. woops and i better get a letter written so they wont expect him in
> class thus year..
link to legal information. Or somebody from Texas on this list may help fill
you in - Texas is probably the best state in the country for unschooling -
you're in good shape there, at least.
National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Jamie Lemon
----- Original Message -----
From: llindsey3@...
but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... well, i
guess we could track the cities in which they perform.. and sneak in a
little bio details of wrestlers for history.. hahaaha.. what a shame i have
to jump thru the hoops.. oh well.. better than school for the kid...
Hiya L!
When I was about 11yo (20 years ago) I was a big wrestling fan. I would
watch it with my dad and since we lived in Charlotte, NC then I would
sometimes see the wrestling stars at local diners & movie theatres (which
was a major cool factor for me! haha) Anyway as the "rumors" started to
filter in to me that wrestling was staged I began to wonder if I could prove
or disprove it by tracking who won against who, who was portrayed as "evil"
and "good", and all sorts of other things. I never actually got this all
done (I was way too busy slaving away in school <g>), but I did have an idea
to put together a big chart to track many different things about the
wrestlers and try to find patterns in them. I also wanted to track
"signature moves" and bio stuff like, who was married, how old they were,
did they have kids, etc. There's tons of "schooly subjects" this type of
project could cover. Maybe your son would find something like that fun. You
could even make a game out of it by using 2 different charts, one for you,
and one for him. Keep your charts seperate for a while then bring them out
to "compare" notes to see who found the most info.
Zan (who is no longer a wrestling fan, but the trip down memory lane was
zenmomma *
>>>but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... >>You said he's visiting web sites about wrestling right? That's Computer
Skills and Internet Technology. If he's using Google to find new sites he's
using some Boolean Logic to get the right mix of words to produce the
results he wants. If he's reading the info about wrestling that's Language
Arts focusing on fiction vs. non-fiction. ;-) Practicing the moves is
Physical Education. And any discussion you may have with him about the odd
nature of the wrestling shows would have to involve some Critical Thinking
Skills. Does he guess on who is going to win based on their height, weight
or strength? How about based on past performance? That's Math.
It all counts.
Life is good.
Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
In a message dated 8/5/02 9:13:26 AM, zenmomma@... writes:
<< >>>but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... >> >>
Do you ever let drop a tidbit or two about other wrestling-related things?
There was the fad of challenge fighting in the 19th century (early
20th??)--some strong-man boxer goes to a town and there are prizes to those
who will fight him or can take him out? It went different ways different
Liability insurance wasn't a big factor in those days!! <g>
And what wrestling or hand-to-hand fighting is available to see in movies?
I've just re-watched El Cid, and the tournament fighting turns into quite an
imaginative/creative situation with the hero down to a saddle and a broken
lance handle at one point. It's kind of like a folding chair. LOL!
<< >>>but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... >> >>
Do you ever let drop a tidbit or two about other wrestling-related things?
There was the fad of challenge fighting in the 19th century (early
20th??)--some strong-man boxer goes to a town and there are prizes to those
who will fight him or can take him out? It went different ways different
Liability insurance wasn't a big factor in those days!! <g>
And what wrestling or hand-to-hand fighting is available to see in movies?
I've just re-watched El Cid, and the tournament fighting turns into quite an
imaginative/creative situation with the hero down to a saddle and a broken
lance handle at one point. It's kind of like a folding chair. LOL!
FABULOUS... well, there's something in thelaw that says "written".. and i know there are ways around it all..
i'm glad to hear texas is the easiest.. am checking out the link immediately.. cause i gotta get a move on here before they come after me when max doesn't show at school.. heh heh heh
gracias for the link... it is one i've not yet seen
i'm glad to hear texas is the easiest.. am checking out the link immediately.. cause i gotta get a move on here before they come after me when max doesn't show at school.. heh heh heh
gracias for the link... it is one i've not yet seen
----- Original Message -----
From: PSoroosh@...
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: the UN.. way of life..
In a message dated 8/4/2002 10:16:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
llindsey3@... writes:
> at least here in texas all they want is a written "curriculum" as far as i
> know.. woops and i better get a letter written so they wont expect him in
> class thus year..
Nope - no written curriculum in Texas -- check and click on the
link to legal information. Or somebody from Texas on this list may help fill
you in - Texas is probably the best state in the country for unschooling -
you're in good shape there, at least.
National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the Moderator, Joyce Fetteroll, at fetteroll@...
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
Visit the Unschooling website:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
first of all, i'm SO glad to speak to someone who survived being a wrestling fan with no apparent scars... hahahah.. i just dont' understand it's appeal.. but then.. my son does not understand my history as a beatlemaniac..
that's a good idea about tracking things.. especially he will love me watchign WITH him..
maybe we could keep track of the stories even .. and he could learn some about what makes a good story..
i'm gonna try it.. and if i present it as him showing ME about whats going on in the wrestling world.. maybe he won't suspect he's learning anything until he's already gotten something out of it.. hahaa.. he is still SO sensitive to 'learning' things..
one good thing is that my mom is a docent at the local zoo which is a really good and big one.. and she (and he) have agreed that he will go to the zoo each wednesday morning with her.. his instructions from me are to .. "hang out" and get to know the animals and talk to the keepers.. he kind of likes this idea since he really loves animals.. i'll just put him in kahki and white shirt like his myma and tell him he can be a mini-myma.. hahahhhaha..
that's a good idea about tracking things.. especially he will love me watchign WITH him..
maybe we could keep track of the stories even .. and he could learn some about what makes a good story..
i'm gonna try it.. and if i present it as him showing ME about whats going on in the wrestling world.. maybe he won't suspect he's learning anything until he's already gotten something out of it.. hahaa.. he is still SO sensitive to 'learning' things..
one good thing is that my mom is a docent at the local zoo which is a really good and big one.. and she (and he) have agreed that he will go to the zoo each wednesday morning with her.. his instructions from me are to .. "hang out" and get to know the animals and talk to the keepers.. he kind of likes this idea since he really loves animals.. i'll just put him in kahki and white shirt like his myma and tell him he can be a mini-myma.. hahahhhaha..
----- Original Message -----
From: Jamie Lemon
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 2:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: the UN.. way of life..
----- Original Message -----
From: llindsey3@...
but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... well, i
guess we could track the cities in which they perform.. and sneak in a
little bio details of wrestlers for history.. hahaaha.. what a shame i have
to jump thru the hoops.. oh well.. better than school for the kid...
Hiya L!
When I was about 11yo (20 years ago) I was a big wrestling fan. I would
watch it with my dad and since we lived in Charlotte, NC then I would
sometimes see the wrestling stars at local diners & movie theatres (which
was a major cool factor for me! haha) Anyway as the "rumors" started to
filter in to me that wrestling was staged I began to wonder if I could prove
or disprove it by tracking who won against who, who was portrayed as "evil"
and "good", and all sorts of other things. I never actually got this all
done (I was way too busy slaving away in school <g>), but I did have an idea
to put together a big chart to track many different things about the
wrestlers and try to find patterns in them. I also wanted to track
"signature moves" and bio stuff like, who was married, how old they were,
did they have kids, etc. There's tons of "schooly subjects" this type of
project could cover. Maybe your son would find something like that fun. You
could even make a game out of it by using 2 different charts, one for you,
and one for him. Keep your charts seperate for a while then bring them out
to "compare" notes to see who found the most info.
Zan (who is no longer a wrestling fan, but the trip down memory lane was
If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the Moderator, Joyce Fetteroll, at fetteroll@...
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
Visit the Unschooling website:
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very good mary.. i'm copying and saving this paragraph to use in my record of what he is doing and learning.. (to show dad, you know) ..
the only thing with wrestling i have to do is to be careful not to focus on the fantasy aspect of it.. he still wants to BELIEVE it is real contests..
YESSSS...... only unschooling devotees can make even wrestling seem educational.. hahaha. (cause we know EVERYthing is educational!)
. thanks to all
the only thing with wrestling i have to do is to be careful not to focus on the fantasy aspect of it.. he still wants to BELIEVE it is real contests..
YESSSS...... only unschooling devotees can make even wrestling seem educational.. hahaha. (cause we know EVERYthing is educational!)
. thanks to all
----- Original Message -----
From: zenmomma *
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: the UN.. way of life..
>>>but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... >>
You said he's visiting web sites about wrestling right? That's Computer
Skills and Internet Technology. If he's using Google to find new sites he's
using some Boolean Logic to get the right mix of words to produce the
results he wants. If he's reading the info about wrestling that's Language
Arts focusing on fiction vs. non-fiction. ;-) Practicing the moves is
Physical Education. And any discussion you may have with him about the odd
nature of the wrestling shows would have to involve some Critical Thinking
Skills. Does he guess on who is going to win based on their height, weight
or strength? How about based on past performance? That's Math.
It all counts.
Life is good.
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If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the Moderator, Joyce Fetteroll, at fetteroll@...
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FABULOUS... more good ideas..
(y'all sorry i started 'talking' yet.. now i'll never stop.. yikes)
(y'all sorry i started 'talking' yet.. now i'll never stop.. yikes)
----- Original Message -----
From: SandraDodd@...
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: the UN.. way of life..
In a message dated 8/5/02 9:13:26 AM, zenmomma@... writes:
<< >>>but come on.. some of y'all have to have ideas for Wrestling... >> >>
Do you ever let drop a tidbit or two about other wrestling-related things?
There was the fad of challenge fighting in the 19th century (early
20th??)--some strong-man boxer goes to a town and there are prizes to those
who will fight him or can take him out? It went different ways different
Liability insurance wasn't a big factor in those days!! <g>
And what wrestling or hand-to-hand fighting is available to see in movies?
I've just re-watched El Cid, and the tournament fighting turns into quite an
imaginative/creative situation with the hero down to a saddle and a broken
lance handle at one point. It's kind of like a folding chair. LOL!
If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the Moderator, Joyce Fetteroll, at fetteroll@...
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Shelly G
--- llindsey3@... wrote:
I bought a book with synopses of what you "should
teach your children" year by year .... I actually
bought it at the beginning of our homeschooling
journey when it was my intent to school at home. I
gave it to my ex-husband. Now, I didn't TELL him we
were following those guidelines, but he may have
INADVERTANTLY gotten that impression... <eg>
Every 9 weeks (just like school :) I make Andrew a
"report card" to send to his dad's house with him when
he visits there. It lists each subject, a grade (go
figure ... Andrew gets straight As :), and bullet
points of the things he's learned in that "subject",
which is not hard to do, since he's always involved in
so many things. It keeps his dad satisfied, and Andrew
kind of likes seeing what he's "accomplished", too,
and I think he likes written proof that I've NOTICED
all that he's accomplished.
I'm not disciplined enough to keep a regular journal,
but I do have a word processing file on my computer
where I can jot quick notes while I'm sitting at my
computer if something pops into my mind. I added
"Cuban missile crisis" to history/social studies
today, since we discussed that this morning.
That's all been enough to satisfy him so far. I
probably benefit, also, from the fact that he's a
fairly oblivious, dopey guy. (Yes, I made a better
choice in husband #2 :)
Good luck to you! I'm sure (unless your relationship
is super-antagonistic) that if your ex sees your son
happy and excitedly talking about the cool things he's
doing at home, all will be well.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does." -- Margaret Mead
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> OH thank you .. and the X is about to be attached toLinda, here's what I did to satisfy the ex-husband
> MY husband as well...
I bought a book with synopses of what you "should
teach your children" year by year .... I actually
bought it at the beginning of our homeschooling
journey when it was my intent to school at home. I
gave it to my ex-husband. Now, I didn't TELL him we
were following those guidelines, but he may have
INADVERTANTLY gotten that impression... <eg>
Every 9 weeks (just like school :) I make Andrew a
"report card" to send to his dad's house with him when
he visits there. It lists each subject, a grade (go
figure ... Andrew gets straight As :), and bullet
points of the things he's learned in that "subject",
which is not hard to do, since he's always involved in
so many things. It keeps his dad satisfied, and Andrew
kind of likes seeing what he's "accomplished", too,
and I think he likes written proof that I've NOTICED
all that he's accomplished.
I'm not disciplined enough to keep a regular journal,
but I do have a word processing file on my computer
where I can jot quick notes while I'm sitting at my
computer if something pops into my mind. I added
"Cuban missile crisis" to history/social studies
today, since we discussed that this morning.
That's all been enough to satisfy him so far. I
probably benefit, also, from the fact that he's a
fairly oblivious, dopey guy. (Yes, I made a better
choice in husband #2 :)
Good luck to you! I'm sure (unless your relationship
is super-antagonistic) that if your ex sees your son
happy and excitedly talking about the cool things he's
doing at home, all will be well.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does." -- Margaret Mead
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