[email protected]

I know its the hardest thing for a parent to wait, but I never had a choice.
I have a strong-willed child, and that is one of his strongest assets. To
interfere with his will to survive and to excell was going to bring about

I have been waiting and waiting and waiting. Sure, he could read some
things, and always asked about words. This was of course when no one could
hear it, as it was beyond the point of being socially acceptable.

But when it comes to common sense and practicalities -- especially now when
he can read a lot more than before -- he is ahead of the others. He comes
out with, "Mom, can't you read the directions?" or "Didn't you see what the
sign said, 30 mph". It's just that, rather than fooling around with nonsense
for years in school, he has just been dealing with what's important and what
keeps his interest.

He was stunned this year when I asked him to describe what he had done
yesterday on paper. After he finished writing it (it was all phonetically
correct but dictionarily there were some errors), he was stunned that I could
read every word of it. He wanted it corrected.

I encourage you mothers to just let go, and let them develop. Especially the
boys. They are so busy!!!

I should add that we have had to "fake it" lots of times --- with relatives
and school authorities. That is why I would rather remain anonymous, as we
still have a lot of stuff to get through until he is 18.

We live in the West. Are very involved with ski racing, motorcross, BMX, RC
cars and airplanes. He has ski racing and bike racing sponsors who pay for
almost all of his costs. My son works at construction making $10 per hour in
the summer. He is a happy, well-balanced person. Has tons of friends.
People stop by our house because of all the activity. He loves to do stuff
on the internet. Helps repair other people's computers. Loves landscaping.

This fall we set up snowmaking in our yard with garden hoses, and then made
jumps from a ramp off of the roof. Then we looked up on the internet and
found a fantastic site about snowmaking and physics. His comment: "If I had
only known this years ago."

Believe me!!! I have gone through all the fears. Unschooling really


Miss Wally