Carolyn Talarr

Hi everyone,

My husband reads that site ( regularly and likes
what he sees, usually (even though he says it can sometimes tend toward a
kind of libertarianism we don't agree with). He was especially happy to see
a well-reasoned discussion in favor of family beds put out for public
consideration. I hadn't read it yet, but it's cool that there's a
connection to Natural Child project. I love that internet kind of
synergy--e.g. some prominent AP writers happen to be on an SAH-AP list I'm
on (called sah-ap, actually) which is a totally informal community but still
very serious and can get activist and public when it needs to.

Hmm..with all the great discussion on the lifelearning thread (totally
exciting thought provoking posts--THANK YOU) I wonder if this list has some
potential for activism or at least writing for a larger audience? ...

So glad I found this list,

-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Hawthorne <jhawthorne@...>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, October 16, 1999 2:54 AM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] cribs

>From: Joel Hawthorne <jhawthorne@...>
>Here is an interesting article on getting rid of cribs. It is by the
>person who operates the site.
>best wishes
>All children behave as well as they are treated. The Natural Child
>Work together to reinvent justice using methods that are fair; which
>conserve, restore and even create harmony, equity and good will in
>society i.e. restorative justice.
>We are the prisoners of the prisoners we have taken - J. Clegg
>>Check it out!