Unitarian Universalists
In a message dated 7/4/02 9:28:05 AM Pacific Standard Time,
fetteroll@... writes:
have 2 kids, 3 y.o. girl and 5 y.o. boy. There is no official start to
homeschooling of course, but I arbitrarily set the date we started
unschooling as the morning when I showed them a spider in a web in our dining
room. I caught a fly and sent it into the web for the spider's breakfast and
they were fascinated.
Actually from the reading I've done on the subject of Unitarian
history, I believe the word "Unitarian" comes from the theology of the
original church when they broke from the mainstream Christian churches in
Transylvania in the late 1600's. They believed in God as a single entity,
not three different ones, hence the word Uni-tarian. The idea of the trinity
solidified in the 6th century I think and various Christians have challenged
it, claiming it is not based directly on scripture.
Unitarians, by the way, suffered greatly for their beliefs and perhaps
because of that were tolerant of other sects and religions. Several early
Americans were Unitarian, including Thomas Jefferson, who also rejected the
divinity of Christ. I haven't read much on this, but Unitarians' tolerance
possibly inspired the founding fathers to adopt religious tolerance as an
important ingredient of U.S. democracy.
The UU Church (Unitarian Universalist) is not officially Christian,
but some members are believers or are very sympathetic to Christian ideas in
general. In our religious education we draw on other faiths a lot and even
have the young people attend services at other churches and temples,
including Buddhist, Muslim, etc. Occaisionally members object to readings
from the bible during service but I do not - I like it. I am personally a
devout agnostic.
I've been enjoying the list but have found I have to be awfully quick
with the delete button or I spend more than an hour doing this. Nice to meet
you all.
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fetteroll@... writes:
> > Oooh, this is interesting! I didn't know that Unitarians do not believeHello, I'm Loren in Tacoma WA and have been lurking for a few days. I
> > in a Trinity.
> *Historically* they did. I don't know that they do today. Unitarian
> Universalists as a whole definitely don't because they aren't Christian
have 2 kids, 3 y.o. girl and 5 y.o. boy. There is no official start to
homeschooling of course, but I arbitrarily set the date we started
unschooling as the morning when I showed them a spider in a web in our dining
room. I caught a fly and sent it into the web for the spider's breakfast and
they were fascinated.
Actually from the reading I've done on the subject of Unitarian
history, I believe the word "Unitarian" comes from the theology of the
original church when they broke from the mainstream Christian churches in
Transylvania in the late 1600's. They believed in God as a single entity,
not three different ones, hence the word Uni-tarian. The idea of the trinity
solidified in the 6th century I think and various Christians have challenged
it, claiming it is not based directly on scripture.
Unitarians, by the way, suffered greatly for their beliefs and perhaps
because of that were tolerant of other sects and religions. Several early
Americans were Unitarian, including Thomas Jefferson, who also rejected the
divinity of Christ. I haven't read much on this, but Unitarians' tolerance
possibly inspired the founding fathers to adopt religious tolerance as an
important ingredient of U.S. democracy.
The UU Church (Unitarian Universalist) is not officially Christian,
but some members are believers or are very sympathetic to Christian ideas in
general. In our religious education we draw on other faiths a lot and even
have the young people attend services at other churches and temples,
including Buddhist, Muslim, etc. Occaisionally members object to readings
from the bible during service but I do not - I like it. I am personally a
devout agnostic.
I've been enjoying the list but have found I have to be awfully quick
with the delete button or I spend more than an hour doing this. Nice to meet
you all.
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