Re: My nephew's situation
I agree with what you said about civil disobedience. I also would flee
the state if they were going to put my child in one of those camps,
particularly under these circumstances. But his parents are not in a
position to do so. They are also probably going to have to rely on the
public defender as his attorney. I'm afraid he will be just another number
to the public defender. There are other kids with similar situations whom he
is representing and they are all being handled similarily. He also asked
whether his stuttering and words delay was real or "just an act." He said,
"you know how these kids are."
I also feel it is outrageous. I think I mentioned that this is a first
offense for him. How can anyone think that he's going to come out of that
camp better or that this is a good thing for our society? I really am
bothered by the tie-in between the school district, police, and courts in
Lancaster. I question whether it is constitutional because I don't see a lot
of due process in many of their procedures. Parents are given tickets when
their kids violate the rules (dress code, being late to class, missing too
much school, etc.) and they just have to pay them. Worse, this is a
community that has been hit hard by recession and tends to have a lot of
families on low incomes who lack the resources to fight this.
I don't know exactly how to get the word out on this. I even tried
contacting the ACLU because I thought they looked at cases that they felt
were constitutional violations but they haven't returned my calls. Maybe I
should call the L.A. Times. I don't know if the local Lancaster newspaper
will respond to this because it is so common there.
Your web site looks interesting. I'm going to check it out right away.
Thanks for your concern...
I agree with what you said about civil disobedience. I also would flee
the state if they were going to put my child in one of those camps,
particularly under these circumstances. But his parents are not in a
position to do so. They are also probably going to have to rely on the
public defender as his attorney. I'm afraid he will be just another number
to the public defender. There are other kids with similar situations whom he
is representing and they are all being handled similarily. He also asked
whether his stuttering and words delay was real or "just an act." He said,
"you know how these kids are."
I also feel it is outrageous. I think I mentioned that this is a first
offense for him. How can anyone think that he's going to come out of that
camp better or that this is a good thing for our society? I really am
bothered by the tie-in between the school district, police, and courts in
Lancaster. I question whether it is constitutional because I don't see a lot
of due process in many of their procedures. Parents are given tickets when
their kids violate the rules (dress code, being late to class, missing too
much school, etc.) and they just have to pay them. Worse, this is a
community that has been hit hard by recession and tends to have a lot of
families on low incomes who lack the resources to fight this.
I don't know exactly how to get the word out on this. I even tried
contacting the ACLU because I thought they looked at cases that they felt
were constitutional violations but they haven't returned my calls. Maybe I
should call the L.A. Times. I don't know if the local Lancaster newspaper
will respond to this because it is so common there.
Your web site looks interesting. I'm going to check it out right away.
Thanks for your concern...
Is there a place the parents can send him? I would be willing to take him, if
someone can get him here! I, at one time, was a misunderstood child, so I
know how bad the system can be when they feel the urge to push their weight
around. I am praying for your family, and for your nephew. This is so
horrible! Keep us updated, please! Any information that you can send me would
be helpful, for I will send a letter to my newspaper, and if I can get ABC
and NBC email address, we can do something there! I guess this is the exact
reason our homeschool motto is "Protecting Our Children" I am very much
behind you!
Teacher and Mommy of 4 homeschooling fanatics, wife to the best principal,
protector of many pets and wild ones, and unpublished writer.
I think that I will move closer to the gym, that way between sets,
I can run home and eat something sweet to keep up my energy! s.
Believe in others, and be a part; believe in yourself, and be the lead.
***Life's Learnings Academy - Protecting Our Children***
Is there a place the parents can send him? I would be willing to take him, if
someone can get him here! I, at one time, was a misunderstood child, so I
know how bad the system can be when they feel the urge to push their weight
around. I am praying for your family, and for your nephew. This is so
horrible! Keep us updated, please! Any information that you can send me would
be helpful, for I will send a letter to my newspaper, and if I can get ABC
and NBC email address, we can do something there! I guess this is the exact
reason our homeschool motto is "Protecting Our Children" I am very much
behind you!
Teacher and Mommy of 4 homeschooling fanatics, wife to the best principal,
protector of many pets and wild ones, and unpublished writer.
I think that I will move closer to the gym, that way between sets,
I can run home and eat something sweet to keep up my energy! s.
Believe in others, and be a part; believe in yourself, and be the lead.
***Life's Learnings Academy - Protecting Our Children***
You are really kind! That is so generous of you to offer to have him go
there. I don't think his parents would consider that right now but we are
going to research all that we can and use the time until Dec 6. when he has
to go back to court. I looked up the web sites Joel posted (loved both) and
I'm going to look into what's on the social justice one. I really would like
someone to investigate what's going on in that town because it goes far
beyond this situation.
During the last school year, my nephew went back to get a book from his
locker, then saw a friend and started talking instead of hurrying to class,
and was taken to the office for truancy. They called the police who gave him
a ticket, handcuffed him, and took him to where his father worked since his
mother wasn't home at the time. These kinds of things are happening all the
time in Lancaster now and it is making too many people there lose all faith
in the justice system.
I love the motto at the Natural Child website (children behave as well as
they are treated). I think it would be great if we all marched around the
school there holding up signs that said just that. I believe some of those
adults need to be shamed into remembering the ideals they must have once had
and seeing how far away from them they now are.
Thanks so much to everyone for all the support and ideas. His mom is
going to ask the pediatrician for a note about his physical problems as
someone suggested. I don't know how the not eating issue figures in for the
school district. It was brought up to them before and they said it was
completely irrelevant. I'll keep you all posted about any new developments.
With much gratitude,
You are really kind! That is so generous of you to offer to have him go
there. I don't think his parents would consider that right now but we are
going to research all that we can and use the time until Dec 6. when he has
to go back to court. I looked up the web sites Joel posted (loved both) and
I'm going to look into what's on the social justice one. I really would like
someone to investigate what's going on in that town because it goes far
beyond this situation.
During the last school year, my nephew went back to get a book from his
locker, then saw a friend and started talking instead of hurrying to class,
and was taken to the office for truancy. They called the police who gave him
a ticket, handcuffed him, and took him to where his father worked since his
mother wasn't home at the time. These kinds of things are happening all the
time in Lancaster now and it is making too many people there lose all faith
in the justice system.
I love the motto at the Natural Child website (children behave as well as
they are treated). I think it would be great if we all marched around the
school there holding up signs that said just that. I believe some of those
adults need to be shamed into remembering the ideals they must have once had
and seeing how far away from them they now are.
Thanks so much to everyone for all the support and ideas. His mom is
going to ask the pediatrician for a note about his physical problems as
someone suggested. I don't know how the not eating issue figures in for the
school district. It was brought up to them before and they said it was
completely irrelevant. I'll keep you all posted about any new developments.
With much gratitude,
Joel Hawthorne
You might consider getting that letter from the pediatrician to include
specifically that your nephew needs to eat regular meals (rocket science eh?).
The kid is entitled to eat. Unreasonable on their part to deny him food I would
think. Also why don't you get the email addresses of the board, local paper,
principal, ACLU in Lancaster and post those so we can all (respectfully, in
spite of the temptation) let them know our carefully considered thoughts
regarding their misguided approach to these matters. Just another suggestion.
Hang in there.
As an aside Jan Hunt the founder of is going to be on Canada AM
on Monday (around 7am to 8am PST) talking about the "co-sleeping issue". See for her article.
Of course Canada AM may not be readily available in the lower 48 eh? Oh well.
best wishes
All children behave as well as they are treated. The Natural Child
Work together to reinvent justice using methods that are fair; which conserve,
restore and even create harmony, equity and good will in society i.e. restorative
We are the prisoners of the prisoners we have taken - J. Clegg
You might consider getting that letter from the pediatrician to include
specifically that your nephew needs to eat regular meals (rocket science eh?).
The kid is entitled to eat. Unreasonable on their part to deny him food I would
think. Also why don't you get the email addresses of the board, local paper,
principal, ACLU in Lancaster and post those so we can all (respectfully, in
spite of the temptation) let them know our carefully considered thoughts
regarding their misguided approach to these matters. Just another suggestion.
Hang in there.
As an aside Jan Hunt the founder of is going to be on Canada AM
on Monday (around 7am to 8am PST) talking about the "co-sleeping issue". See for her article.
Of course Canada AM may not be readily available in the lower 48 eh? Oh well.
best wishes
All children behave as well as they are treated. The Natural Child
Work together to reinvent justice using methods that are fair; which conserve,
restore and even create harmony, equity and good will in society i.e. restorative
We are the prisoners of the prisoners we have taken - J. Clegg
In a message dated 10/16/99 7:47:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
LASaliger@... writes:
<< I don't know how the not eating issue figures in for the
school district. It was brought up to them before and they said it was
completely irrelevant. I'll keep you all posted about any new developments.
LASaliger@... writes:
<< I don't know how the not eating issue figures in for the
school district. It was brought up to them before and they said it was
completely irrelevant. I'll keep you all posted about any new developments.
>>It wouldn't be irrelevant if you had a lawyer suing them for denying him
Thanks everyone so much for your support with this! Joel, that is a
great idea to get the addresses and post them on here. I will do that within
the next couple of days. There is no ACLU in Lancaster but I will post the
main Southern California one as well as the closest one to Lancaster.
I am going to check on the eating issue and see if the pediatrician will
address it. I will also see if his parents want to look into a civil suit.
Vicki in Valenica, thanks for your concern. I will check into all the
suggestions offered and keep you all updated. I so appreciate having found
this group! Thanks again...
great idea to get the addresses and post them on here. I will do that within
the next couple of days. There is no ACLU in Lancaster but I will post the
main Southern California one as well as the closest one to Lancaster.
I am going to check on the eating issue and see if the pediatrician will
address it. I will also see if his parents want to look into a civil suit.
Vicki in Valenica, thanks for your concern. I will check into all the
suggestions offered and keep you all updated. I so appreciate having found
this group! Thanks again...
The O'Donnells
At 11:17 AM 10/17/99 -0400, you wrote:
point - they want to down play that it happened at all. It looks pretty
bad on them - withholding a child's lunch in the first place.
In His Service,
Subscribe to Our Prairie Primer Today Community at:
>From: Rhiahl@...developments.
>In a message dated 10/16/99 7:47:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
>LASaliger@... writes:
><< I don't know how the not eating issue figures in for the
> school district. It was brought up to them before and they said it was
> completely irrelevant. I'll keep you all posted about any new
>>>The more I think of this, of course it is not relevant from their stand
>It wouldn't be irrelevant if you had a lawyer suing them for denying him
point - they want to down play that it happened at all. It looks pretty
bad on them - withholding a child's lunch in the first place.
In His Service,
Subscribe to Our Prairie Primer Today Community at: