[email protected]

In a message dated 7/1/2002 5:27:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:
> So if you don't let your kids learn how to cook they will be able to eat
> out or have someone else cook for them? Maybe Caroline's parents knew
> something? *grin* I really did understand your point and agree but I'm
> not sure if the last sentence there helps your case. LOL

Maybe you're right! <G> There HAVE been nights I wish I couldn't/didn't cook!

> >>>I'm not Caroline but I think she makes a lovely point about
cooking (or doing whatever) because we enjoy it. And if we
choose to not do it, that's fine too. It sounds like she
cooks when she is inspired to do so, but maybe that isn't
that often :-)<<<

It's not that she doesn't cook because she doesn't enjoy it. She was never
allowed in the kitchen and is almost afraid of it. When we were young she was
fascinated about how cooking "happened", but still wasn't "allowed" as a
child/teen. As an adult, I don't know why she hasn't learned (I'll ask this
Thursday! <g>). Maybe she likes to eat out every meal. I guess some do.

The original point was that her mother's kitchen was off-limits. She was not
ALLOWED to play and experiment---and that's sad.


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[email protected]

<<The original point was that her mother's kitchen was off-limits. She
was not
ALLOWED to play and experiment---and that's sad.


Kelly, I really did understand what you were saying and I agree. The
last sentence just tickled my funny bone and I had to chime in a bit. I
love to cook too and your post reminded me that I need to let the kids be
involved in that with me more.


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Debra Kattler

I'm the one who misunderstood the post. :-{ Ididn't realize
she was talking about two different people. Sorry for the
confusion. I stand by my point (whether or not it was
supported by the email I was responding to) that it's a good
idea to do things that we WANT to do and find other ways to
get done what we DON'T WANT to do. :-) And I don't mean
making our kids do them either but rather to be willing to
think outside the box to come up with solutions to our
"problems." So I guess I'll find a way to say that even if
it has nothing to do with the thread. LOL.


louisam1@... wrote:

> <<The original point was that her mother's kitchen was
> off-limits. She
> was not
> ALLOWED to play and experiment---and that's sad.
> Kelly>>
> Kelly, I really did understand what you were saying and I
> agree. The
> last sentence just tickled my funny bone and I had to
> chime in a bit. I
> love to cook too and your post reminded me that I need to
> let the kids be
> involved in that with me more.
> Kris

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