
I joined this group several months ago. I never introduced myself because
there was a lot of bickering going on at the time and I wanted to get the
feel of the group. Sadly, the bickering never went away but I did. I went no
mail for a month and tried again. Same bickering, different topic. I went
no mail for another month and now I'm here again. Same bickering, different
topic. I'm going to unsub now because I think I now truly have the feel of
the group. Sad.....some people might come here looking to see what
unschooling families are like and be very discouraged. Not me, though. I do
know what unschoolers are like. They aren't like this.

In a message dated 6/25/02 7:07:26 PM, lapin@... writes:

<< It is like the
debate team in High School. You can learn a lot about different points of
view, it is mind stimulating. >>

In high school debating, people argue points they don't believe, for practice.

This is real life.

Anyone who doesn't believe you learn a lot from real life is going to have a
TRULY hard time unschooling.

I'm not going to write anything I haven't tried, thought about really hard,
or had working well for many years, and I usually try to clarify which (if
not all of those) applies.



Oh, I don't look at it as bickering, it is interesting. It is like the
debate team in High School. You can learn a lot about different points of
view, it is mind stimulating.


Tia Leschke

>I joined this group several months ago. I never introduced myself because
>there was a lot of bickering going on at the time and I wanted to get the
>feel of the group. Sadly, the bickering never went away but I did. I went no
>mail for a month and tried again. Same bickering, different topic. I went
>no mail for another month and now I'm here again. Same bickering, different

There are always going to be people who take things personally that weren't
meant personally at all, and this was one of those. I'm surprised that it
even looks like bickering to you.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island


Oops, I must admit that I was not ever on a debate team in High School, just
to clarify what???? Oh, that it was not the correct way to
phrase what I was trying to say...

I was under the influence of a terrible, horrible migraine headache when I
wrote that, so maybe that was my problem. My Mom took the boys for me so
that I could go to bed, but I just needed to check my email first. Should
of not responded....



on 6/26/02 1:16 AM, Lewis at lapin@... wrote:

> Oops, I must admit that I was not ever on a debate team in High School, just
> to clarify what???? Oh, that it was not the correct way to
> phrase what I was trying to say...

Oh, I thought it was a good initial analogy to get the idea across. :-) But
the analogy does break down in the details. I wasn't on the debate team
either but I got some insight into HS debate during one discussion on the
message board where someone said the point of debate was to win, implying
any tactics that furthered that goal -- she may have used some nasty names
or something -- were fair.

But real life debates are about digging with honesty and clarity through
foggy thinking towards some central Truth. Which is incompatible with a goal
of winning for to set one's sights on winning means truth, honesty and
clarity can be sacrificed.
