Jocelyn Vilter

You can find it online here, for $29.95:

And I found a couple of copies of it for sale on Make sure you do
a search for it there as all one word - "Chessmates", otherwise you won't
turn up any matches.

My son used this game to polish his skills after his dad had already taught
him the fundamentals. He has really enjoyed it over the years and even now
occasionally refers back to it for fun.

Jocelyn Vilter

> From:
> Reply-To:
> Date: 17 Jun 2002 17:40:09 -0000
> To:
> Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 2115
> Message: 16
> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 12:06:10 -0500
> From: AprilWells <dawnwells@...>
> Subject: Re: help with Chess
> I can't find this game... I can find reviews, and one review has an
> aside that says it is out of print. Ant suggestions?
> April
> The White's wrote:
>> We bought Chess-Mates CD-Rom for the computer for my son....I think we
>> got it from Scholatic.....He loves it. You play against the computer,
>> but while playing the computer talks to you and shows you options, but
>> lets you choose the moves. Then tells you why it was or was not a
>> good idea. My 9 yr son loves it and my 5 yr old daughter has begun
>> playing as well. I think there are more than one level, too.
>> Cindy