Luz Shosie and Ned Vare


Luz wrote an article/list about math. Many people have told us that it has
helped them as they search for how to teach their kid(s). Feel free to pass
it around.


A Few Words About Unschooling Math
FREEDOM TO CHOOSE: Fingers & toes A pattern blocks, two by two, 4X4, tape
measure # scale $ save, interest, model, profit (loss), earn, spend,
checkbook, recipe, batting average, Captain May I? third base, love all §
fault, birdie, strike, spare, first and ten, penalty box = map, compass,
Pokémon, Candyland, Monopoly, Go, Chess, Sorry! dominoes, dice, poker chips,
Bridge, Crazy Eights, charts, Origami, knit 1 purl 2, weigh ¶ pulley, ratio,
chances, statistics P average, more or less, even, odd, yards, N scale,
area, score, speed limit, braking distance, fourth dimension () sixth sense,
Indy 500, build, plan, rate ¥ estimate, predict, revise, depth, angle,
trade, straight, spiral, high tide, low ball, tempo % quarter note, half
pound, forecast, budget, half price, plus tax, seven percent solution,
longitude, light years, escape velocity, precession of the equinoxes (oh
Best Beloved) ¼ range, set, stitch, sort, size, plot, dozen % gain, lose,
exact, income, allowance, loan, knots, beads, gear ratio, minutes, degrees,
fathoms, grid ø meters, Anno, The Number Devil, half pipe, quarter turn,
full bore, - turning radius, stacking, nesting, measure up @ scale down,
abacus, debit,infinity, first class, equal share, short shrift, waxing,
waning + rhythm, balance, cycle, value, graph, perigee, frequency,
revolution 8 pennies, double helix £  time zone, millennium, program ø
binary, generation, epoch, era, nano second, code, puzzle, fiscal year,
progression, midpoint, watts, lumens ‡  horsepower, ohms, Great Circle
Route, 52 Pickup, Œ55 Chevy, Hundredth Monkey, altitude, Lego, Tangrams &
Fibonacci series, height, width, length, volume, output, displacement,
schedule ] time limit, add up, count down . four score, last full measure,
census, Are we there yet? do-si-do, a bushel and a peck, postage, efficient
operation, elegant solution, gigabytes, google, Powers of Ten ~ increase <
> decrease, supply & demand, links, contour lines, Great Divide, Bingo! count
down, stock market, daily log, rent, discretionary income, arc, geometric
proportions ^ geologic time, navigation, Stonehenge ¢ grams/ounces, 16 mm, f
stop, 20 pound test, dot-to-dot, orienteering, yeild, low bid, etc &

Barb Eaton

Thanks so much! I'm organizing getting started hs meetings in my area
and this would be great to share. :-)

Barb E

on 6/8/02 10:05 PM, Luz Shosie and Ned Vare at nedvare@... wrote:

> Sandra,
> Luz wrote an article/list about math. Many people have told us that it has
> helped them as they search for how to teach their kid(s). Feel free to pass
> it around.
> Ned