HEM-Online-Newsletter by way of Home Ed


June 2002


Welcome to HEM'S ONLINE NEWS! For more information on Home Education
Magazine, visit our web site at http://home-ed-magazine.com. Send
your comments and questions to editor Carol Narigon at

In the June issue:

~ H is for Homeschooling ~
~ Congratulations, Calvin! ~
~ Advice Needed ~
~ Bad Science? ~
~ Unschooling ~
~ HEM Lists-New and Revised ~
~ Beyond the Movie ~
~ Building a Website ~
~ The Final Word ~


"I tell you one thing, if you learn it by yourself, if you have to
get down and dig for it, it never leaves you. It stays there as long
as you live because you had to dig it out of the mud before you
learned what it was." ~ Aunt Adie ~



"A is for the Adults who can share their talents with children and
help them discover the joy of learning. They are parents, neighbors,
friends, grandparents, teachers, aunts, uncles, and anyone else
willing to share their gifts with children.

B is for the thousands of Books that we can read and learn from. Quot
libros, quam breve tempus! (So many books, so little time!)

C is for College. Yes, homeschoolers can go to college without a
diploma from a public or private school. If it is your goal to attend
college, it is possible. Many colleges actively seek homeschool

D is for the Dictionary that is always available to help us learn how
to spell a word or understand the meaning of a new word that we find
in one of the thousands of books that we read as homeschoolers.

E is for Experiences. Education as a homeschooler is full of real
learning experiences like swimming with manatees, banding wood ducks,
turning your garage into a puppet theater, starting your own
business, writing things that are important to you in your journal,
creating a chemistry lab in your kitchen, using a dictionary to spell
words with, and reading books for fun.

F is for Family. Homeschool families have a closer relationship with
each other. They enjoy spending time together. They do many things
together. They read together. They play games together. They go
hiking together. They do puzzles together. They play music together.
They cook dinner together.

G is for the Grades that homeschoolers do not have to worry about.
You do not have to learn to spell to get a passing grade. You learn
to spell because you ask your parent how do you spell "chocolate."
You can make a mistake on a math problem, learn from it and not worry
about failing the test. You do not have to memorize and regurgitate
facts for a history test grade, but you can study and learn about any
topic in history that interests you.

H is for Homeschoolers, from those who have been teaching their
children from before there were school institutions to modern day
homeschoolers who have eased the way for new parents to regain the
freedom of choice for the education of their children..." ~ Scott
Stevens ~

You can read the rest of this alphabet, as well as some of the
articles and columns from the May/June issue at the address above,
but you'll have to get the magazine--the one you hold in your
hands--to read them all! See subscription information at the end of
this newsletter or visit your local bookseller to get your copy today.



With the May/June issue of HEM, we welcome Elizabeth McCullough as
our homeschool books columnist. In her first column, Elizabeth
reviews books on homeschooling an ADD child, unschooling and
homeschooling on a shoestring. Welcome, Elizabeth!

The May/June issue also features articles on Riding the Rainbow,
Leaping into Brambles, help calls, focusing on your child's strengths
and more. From the columnists: the Kaseman's highlight problems with
public e-schools; Becky Rupp is full of beans; David Albert tests
1...2...3...; Sandra Dodd stays up late to learn; and Carol Narigon
(that's me) discusses unschooling. Other columnists include Barbara
Theisen, Ann Zeise, Peter Kowalke, Linda Dobson, and Laura Weldon.


If Dad works out of the house it's not going to be easy for him to
gain an understanding of homeschooling. A subscription to HEM can
help. HEM is offering the best discount of the year on a subscription
to Home Education Magazine: HEM Online News readers can start a one
year subscription for only $20.00! (Reg. $32.00) Write to Home
Education Magazine, PO Box 1083, Tonasket WA 98855; for orders:
toll-free 1-800-236-3278; email orders@.... MC/Visa
cards accepted. Or see



Congratulations to 10-year-old homeschooler Calvin McCarter, winner
of the National Geographic Bee. Calvin hails from Grand Rapids,
Michigan and was the youngest competitor in the contest. He won a
$25,000 scholarship and a lifetime membership to the National
Geographic Society. Look for the televised finals on your local PBS



Questions for the September/October issue of Home Education
Magazine's Questions and Answers column:

"We had to take our son out of school two years ago due to a chronic
digestive disease. The school system provides an in-home tutor.
Despite our efforts his former school pals have gone on with their
own busy lives and left him behind. He's 11 years old now. I'm
concerned he may become depressed as adolescence approaches. Are
there safe 'chat rooms' for homeschooled kids? How could we invite
homeschooled kids his age over to swim in our pool over the summer if
the school system won't release the names of other homeschoolers?" ~
Colton Sellers ~

"We approach most subjects actively, but my kids prefer watching
movies for history and social studies. When we watched 'The Patriot,'
they talked about the Revolutionary War and imagined themselves there
far more effectively than after any book we've read. (Caution: It
was violent, as could be expected in a war movie.) Anyone have other
suggestions for movies?" ~ Karen ~

To answer a question, or propose your own question, please write to
Laura Weldon via ReaderResponse@... or Questions &
Answers, c/o Home Education Magazine, PO Box 1083, Tonasket, WA
98855. Your responses must meet our deadline of the 1st. Please
recognize that your submission may be edited for length or clarity.
Indicate how you prefer your question or answer signed. Questions and
Answers runs in each issue of Home Education Magazine and can be
found on our website.



I'm so grateful for those smart people who find the mistakes in
science textbooks and even commonly held knowledge and let the rest
of us know how the real science works. I really thought friction was
caused by the roughness; turns out I was wrong! And how about zero
gravity in space? Do you believe that one? I did too! Ben Franklin's
kite was struck by lightning, right? Nope. Not true.

If you really want to know your science, take a look at this
debunking site. Your kids will be so impressed with your new
knowledge, but you may have to take them there to prove you're right!



"'What do you hope your kids will have gotten from unschooling by the
time they're ready to move on from home?'

My main goal is that their sense of self remain so strongly intact
the world can't rob their joy, their uniqueness and their natural
curiosity. Beyond that...

...the status quo won't matter so much to them as what is good and right.

...they will have a deep-seated knowledge in their hearts that they
are intelligent, capable human beings and can learn anything they
wish and a sense of wonder so awesome they will never quit seeing how
magical the world truly is.

...their idealism be tempered with realism and spirituality will flow
naturally and freely from a loving heart and kindness rare.

...they will be able to follow their dreams and goals, whatever those may be.

'And how do you plan to help that along?'

It humbles me to think about this. I came out of high school
emotionally battered, not knowing who I was or what I really wanted.
Fifteen years later, I'm spouting ideals for my children I couldn't
have dreamed of then. I will help that along by becoming a better
person myself...

...by reading, watching, searching and regaining that sense of wonder
(they've helped me do this already).

...by being willing to set everything aside, change plans midstream
and go off in a new direction when necessary.

...by listening carefully and responding appropriately.

...by dialoguing with them about these matters of the heart and
showing love to the earth and my fellow human beings.

...by filling my home with books, movies, music, instruments, nature,
toys, art materials and whatever oddities my children bring home.

...by taking them to the places they want to go and ones they never
knew existed, fixing them new and exciting foods from other countries
and making trips to the grocery store an adventure.

Healing myself has definitely been the most important step in
assisting these worthy individuals in their unschooling journey. I
have learned much from them; thank the heavens they came here to
teach me." ~~ Ren, on the uschooling.com message boards ~~

Unschooling.com offers a free monthly newsletter, message boards, an
email list and more just for unschoolers. To subscribe to the email
list send a blank email to:
[email protected]
Or visit the email list website at:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom .


The 2002 California Home=Education Conference
August 16-18, Radisson Hotel Sacramento.

A weekend of inspiring talks, workshops, and fun activities for
everyone in the family! Keynotes: Jane Healy and Frank Smith.
Featured speakers: Mary Griffith, David Albert, Sandra Dodd, Richard
Prystowsky, Marty Layne, Laurel Schmidt, Donald Asher, Wes Beach,
Lenore Hayes and Roneale Berry. Delightful programs for teens,
tweens and kids, as well as new panels and lots of round table
discussions among homeschoolers. http://conference.hsc.org, or email
conference@... or info@....



HEM is offering two new email lists for those who are interested in
discussing unschooling or national news. Please feel welcome to join

This list is for discussion of unschooling hows and whys, wherefores
and methods, sharing good resources, and so on and so forth.
Sponsored by Home Education Magazine.

This list is for the discussion of news not necessarily related to
homeschooling. Have you read something in your local newspaper or a
national magazine, or found something online recently which might not
have had much to do with homeschooling but which really made you
think? Share it with other homeschooling parents on this list.

Several of HEM's other email lists have undergone a name change or
have been pulled and archived. If you are on those lists, you were
notified a couple of weeks ago and your subscription automatically
switched over. If you haven't joined and you'd like to, here's how to
find these updated lists.

The PPSP-H (Public and Private School Programs and Homeschooling)
list is now HEM-EdPrograms.

The HomeschoolingMovieLovers list is now HEM-MovieLovers.

The HomeschoolingResources list is now HEM-Resources.

The History of Homeschooling list is now HEM-HomeschoolHistory.

One list, the Homeschool History-Politics-Religion list, is being
archived and will eventually be deleted. Both this one and History of
Homeschooling have been dormant for several months now, but I'd like
to take the whole conversation back to the HomeschoolHistory list at
some point.



National Geographic offers a cool section on their website called
Beyond the Movie. Right now you can explore Lord of the Rings and
Pearl Harbor. For example, on the Lord of the Rings page on the
author, the mythology that influenced the books, where particular
names came from and more.

I'm not sure why only 2 movies are offered, but I hope they'll
continue to investigate other popular movies in the future.



So it's too hot to play outside and your kids want to stay cool
inside creating a web page, and you don't know the first thing about
it? You can find lots of help on the Internet for both you and your
kids. For learning HTML, check out Learning HTML for Kids at
http://www.goodellgroup.com/tutorial . You know how kids' books are
often the best way to learn about a particular topic? Same with
websites. This one is easy to understand and will give you a good
start on learning the language.

If you're ready to move on to a site that's a little more advanced,
check out the monkey at http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/kids .
There's even a planning guide on this site so adults can act like
they know what they're doing.

Finally, for a really cute, yet informational site, try Lissa
Explains It All at http://www.lissaexplains.com . I think this site
would especially appeal to girls, but the information is good for



For information on purchasing unclassified advertising space in this
newsletter, please contact the editor at



New science and art books for spring and summer are in...several new
series to engage and delight your children and you. Shop online and
earn FREE books at: http://www.UsborneAmerica.com. For personal
shopping service, email SharonVE@... or call 888-474-8499 toll
free. Sharon Vander Ende, Supervisor, Usborne America.


MATH IN ANCIENT CAVE PAINTINGS, 26172 BC. The latest issue of our
free hilarious math newsletter shows that the cave paintings in
ancient France prove Cro-Magnon men computed areas! Show your
children how much fun math can be, and refresh your own math by
subscribing to our free newsletter and by downloading free examples
of our CD-ROM Solid Gold Gnarly Math. It's all at
http://www.gnarlymath.com . Our moneyback-guaranteed CD will help you
review Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Topology, and Probability.


Attention unschoolers and eclectic homeschoolers! Looking for
something to do? The Resourceful Homeschooler carries great books,
science materials and kits, learning games, and the most interesting
software. AND here is your opportunity to clear some shelf space!
List or consign your surplus or used homeschooling materials. Store
credit available for consignments. Visit
http://www.resourcefulhomeschooler.com or call (877)523-0494.
Materials to involve, inspire and support independent learners of all


Headsprout Reading is the fun, Internet-delivered beginning reading
program that will give your child a real advantage by systematically
teaching essential skills and strategies ensuring reading success and
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animated, interactive episodes, children read their first Headsprout
book. Act quickly! For a limited time you can try out Headsprout
Reading FOR FREE!
http://www.headsprout.com Please enter the promotional code: HENF6


Get world renowned Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider's 'Mittleider Basics
Course' free at www.growfood.com. Go to Online Education section and
enjoy. Books, Natural Mineral Nutrients & CD ROM's also available.
Also, look at the Garden Master CD, with $70 in Mittleider gardening
books and manuals and a great program to take your children through
every step of the gardening process. Took 3 years & $100,000 to
create and costs only $29.95. Look in Products under Garden Master.





Thanks for reading HEM's Online News! Pass it on to your friends! To
subscribe, visit our web site at
http://www.home-ed-magazine.com/wlcm_hemnewsltr.html or send an email
to majordomo@... with the words subscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. subscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To unsubscribe, send an email to
majordomo@... with the words unsubscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. unsubscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To change the address at which you receive the
newsletter, unsubscribe your old address and then subscribe to your
new one.

See you next month!

Carol Narigon, Newsletter Editor
Mark and Helen Hegener, Publishers of Home Education Magazine