Elizabeth Hill

**<<Maybe what the person meant who wrote that was "a straw man" which
is a
>rhetorical term for an argument based on something that isn't even

I think that's the one I meant.>>

I thought Paper Tiger was completely appropriate!**

I want to mangle together the paper tiger and the straw man to make my
own new metaphor -- beating the wrong dead pinata.


[email protected]

In a message dated 5/30/02 5:13:09 PM, ecsamhill@... writes:

<< I want to mangle together the paper tiger and the straw man to make my
own new metaphor -- beating the wrong dead pinata. >>

This made me think of the story of The Lady and the Tiger, about picking the

Literary reference day for sure!

If there were two or three pinatas and had different things in them (some not
so nice)... some mathish kid could come up with some great puzzles from

But if it were a REAL problem and not hypothetical, I know my kids would
think to heft it, smell it, rattle it...

I like the image of "beating a dead pinata," though. Especially a
tiger-shaped one, made of straw.


Tia Leschke

>I want to mangle together the paper tiger and the straw man to make my
>own new metaphor -- beating the wrong dead pinata.

Love it! On another list today, a woman referred to bureaucracy as burrito
crap. I don't know if she made it up or had heard it somewhere, but I love

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island

[email protected]

In a message dated 5/30/02 6:13:01 PM Central Daylight Time,
ecsamhill@... writes:

> I want to mangle together the paper tiger and the straw man to make my
> own new metaphor -- beating the wrong dead piñata.
> Betsy

Just so funny I thought it needed to be repeated!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]