[email protected]

In a message dated 5/27/02 2:04:11 PM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< We have a young bird that I have taken under my wing LOL
It has its feathers. And apprently trying to fly.
Any idea's what to feed it. Gave it water in a dropper.
Tried mashing up worms, blah! but he won't have anything to do with it. >>

Put it back in the nest if you can. What kind of bird is it? Bluejays are
watched over by their parents even after they leave the nest. The fledlings
are dangerously hanging out on the ground for a couple of days before they
finally take off.
Many parent birds partially digest the food and regurgitate it into the
babies beak.
The best thing you can do is either put it back in the nest or get it to a
wildlife sanctuary as quickly as possible.
They have special bird "formula".
Try Audobon society or a vet to find someone that will help.
Ren, who has rescued many birds.

[email protected]

In a message dated 5/27/02 2:04:11 PM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< I've gotten a lot of great ideas and been forced to
think things through differently here, by Sandra and a number of
others. Some of those helpful others say that they initially felt the same
as I did about her style. But you know what? I've gotten little to no
help from any of the people who come here and snipe at Sandra and her
posting style. >>

Same here.
I don't see bluntness equal to rudeness.
Clarity equal to an attack.
Experience equal to meanness.
I think it's something called defensiveness that causes people to react that
way to certain posts. If we just think through the information and read it at
face value, there is no meanness, no rudeness. Just to the point and true.
Or maybe there is some projection going on?