HEM's Online News - May 2002
HEM-Online-Newsletter by way of Home Ed
May 2002
Welcome to HEM'S ONLINE NEWS! For more information on Home Education
Magazine, see the end of this newsletter or visit our web site at
http://home-ed-magazine.com. Send your comments and questions to
editor Carol Narigon at HEM-Newsletter@.... Scroll
down for subscription information.
In the May issue:
~ Mea Culpa ~
~ Frogs ~
~ More Frogs ~
~ Ask Carol ~
~ Unschooling ~
~ Homeschool Website of the Month ~
~ College Acceptance ~
~ Trusting the Children, Trusting Ourselves Conference ~
~ Bumper Stickers ~
~ Tree ID ~
~ The Amazing Picture Machine ~
~ The Final Word ~
I hate when I have to do this! Last month I ran the wrong ad for one
of my advertisers, Headsprout Reading (http://www.headsprout.com).
Unfortunately, the ad misled subscribers into thinking Headsprout's
entire reading program is free at their website. It's not free
(because they spent $5 million developing it and they can't afford to
give it away!), but they are generously offering 5 free lessons so
you can try the program before you buy it. That's more than enough to
ensure you're buying a high quality reading program, which actually
adapts to your child's needs as your child uses it.
Here's what one of our own subscribers, Ruthie Chatton, had to say
about using Headsprout: "We loved Headsprout. More importantly, when
asked if reading was hard, my son responded, 'No, reading is easy!' I
think that in itself says the most for your program. I felt it was
very effective in teaching my son to read, plus the reinforcement has
given him confidence....I am so impressed! It's a great program that
makes something thought as one of the hardest things to master
incredibly fun and easy. I tell other parents how enjoyable the
program is and then have my son show them how well it worked." You
can read more testimonials at http://www.headsprout.com/testimonials
So please take a look at Headsprout's website. You'll be glad you did
and maybe I can get off this hook! ~CN~
For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency students must
be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. And they
become interested when they are actively working on projects which
they can relate to their values and goals in life.
~ Gus Tuberville, president of William Penn College ~
"One of my most memorable activities as a kid was watching one of
Mother Nature's most amazing transformations: the development of a
tadpole into a frog. I remember being absolutely thrilled as the hind
legs began to emerge from the tadpoles. Next, the forelegs slowly
grew while at the same time the tadpole's tail started disappearing!
This was a rather slow process as it takes about 2 to 3 months for
the tadpole to develop completely in to a frog. Even at this slow
pace, it was exciting to watch.
You can scoop up some tadpoles from a pond, make them at home in an
aquarium and watch their development. Or you can buy a frog hatchery
from a place such as Insect Lore. This hatchery includes a
certificate for live from embryos so you can watch the tiny embryos
change into tadpoles and then see the tadpoles develop into frogs." ~
Excerpt from Ponds and Marshes and Swamps. Oh Boy! by Barbara Theisen
You can read the rest of this article in the May/June issue of Home
Education Magazine. See subscription information at the end of this
newsletter or visit your local bookseller to get your copy today. To
read more of the great articles and columns you'll find in the
current issue, stop by our website at www.home-ed-magazine.com.
If you get really interested in frogs and you'd like to see what
makes them tick, why not try a virtual frog dissection? My
animal-loving daughter was repulsed with the idea of even a virtual
dissection, but she soon took over the mouse after I started cutting
away with the virtual scalpel. This site has links to other virtual
dissections as well. I can't quite bring myself to try the cat yet,
but virtual dissection certainly beats the smell of formaldehyde and
the feel of frog guts.
Every other month, I ask people to send me questions, and I promise
to answer as many as I can in future columns. Although I don't answer
them in this newsletter, I do answer them in every issue of Home
Education Magazine, the original print version where homeschoolers
have found support for over 20 years. A couple of them are online
(http://www.home-ed-magazine.com), but most of them you have to read
in the magazine.
I really like to get your questions-any questions at all, even if you
think your question is too stupid and you're the only one who has
your particular problem (probably not true). So, don't be shy; don't
procrastinate; send me your questions. I even have a special email
address: askcarol@... . Of course, I don't promise I
can answer every question in the magazine (especially if you don't
send one!), but I try to respond to each one, whether I use it for a
column or not. What are you waiting for? (~ CN ~)
"It is a whole lot harder to talk about what unschooling looks like
in practice, because it is totally absolutely and completely
different for every family. And it isn't easily described by a list
like schooling is - it isn't an alternative method of schooling like
doing unit studies is, for example.
It takes time to read about unschooling and really 'grok' it - it
takes reading LOTS of people's anecdotes and reading their
philosophies and how they apply it in their lives and thinking about
how that philosophy might apply in your own family's life while
understanding that it will LOOK really different in your family, even
if the underlying principles are the same." ~ Pam Sorooshian in a
conversation on the Unschooling-dotcom email list. ~
Unschooling.com offers a free monthly newsletter, message boards, an
email list and more just for unschoolers. To subscribe to the email
list send a blank email to:
Or visit the email list website at:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom .
The Family Oriented Learning Cooperative in eastern Prince William
County, Virginia offers a great website not only for Virginia
homeschoolers, but homeschoolers around the nation. You'll find the
usual resources, freebies and information on Virginia law, but they
also share a number of excellent commentaries on homeschool politics
and how-to articles on contacting state legislatures and finding a
homeschool group. It's a site worth looking at even if you don't live
in Virginia.
"There exists a myth that the only way for a young person to be
accepted into college is through building a record for compliant
behavior in a secondary educational institution. This myth was
exposed for many of us when David and Micki Colfax wrote about their
boys being accepted into Harvard on the strength of their own efforts
and on the lives that they had put together for themselves, as
described in Homeschooling for Excellence.
When David Illingworth, senior admissions officer at Harvard, spoke
to Maine families attending our statewide home education conference
some years ago, he assured them that even Harvard does not require a
high school diploma for admission to a degree program. He suggested
that Harvard was more interested in the lives of home educated kids
and in how they presented themselves than in whether or not they had
high school diplomas, documents which are not extremely rare.
Since then we have read many accounts of young men and women being
accepted into colleges and universities on the strength of their
independent learning and the interesting and productive lives they
have led. We are accustomed to seeing letters in the home education
media from admissions officers encouraging home educated kids to
apply to their colleges. In fact, as more than one admissions officer
has stated, all else being equal, many colleges tend to choose
homeschooled kids for their motivation and for the diversity that
they bring to the campus community." ~ Excerpt from Earl Stevens'
article "The Door is Open ~
As graduation rolls around, homeschoolers field more questions about
whether our children will be able to go to college some day. This
website contains a number of articles on homeschooling teens and
beyond, including the rest of the article quoted above.
You'll find articles, message boards, resources, a free downloadable
resource guide and more at HEM's website. www.home-ed-magazine.com
The 2002 California Home=Education Conference
August 16-18, Radisson Hotel Sacramento.
A weekend of inspiring talks, workshops, and fun activities for
everyone in the family! Keynotes: Jane Healy and Frank Smith.
Featured speakers: Mary Griffith, David Albert, Sandra Dodd, Richard
Prystowsky, Marty Layne, Laurel Schmidt, Donald Asher, Wes Beach,
Lenore Hayes and Roneale Berry. Delightful programs for teens,
tweens and kids, as well as new panels and lots of round table
discussions among homeschoolers. http://conference.hsc.org, or email
conference@... or info@....
After reading last month's request for homeschool bumper sticker
ideas, Brad Withers sent along his favorites, copied from the bumper
of his car:
Homeschoolers Work Smarter Not Harder
Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Homeschooling
Proud Parent of a Homeschooled Child
Educate at Home
Thanks, Brad. I think it's important for the world to know we're out
there and we're proud to be homeschooling.
Anne Ohman even has some she'd like to sell. She says, "There's a
picture of happy children with their arms around each other, and it
Free to Think, Learn, Do and BE
Learning through Life, Joyfully!
E-mail me if you want to see the picture, or if you want to buy one
to help spread the word...plant the seeds!!" You can email Anne at
ohman@... if you're interested in buying one.
Here's a neat site for all you tree lovers out there who want to
identify spring and summer trees. You're given a series of questions
about the leaves on your tree. Follow the link for the best answer to
the next set of questions and continue until you've identified your
tree. When you're done, you might want to go to the Amazing Picture
Machine (below) and see if you can find a picture of your tree there.
The National Arbor Day Foundation sponsors this site. If you follow
the link to their home page, you'll see that Priscilla Anne Fisch, a
homeschooler from Idaho, won second place in their 2002 poster
contest. Congratulations, Priscilla! You can see who won the contest
in your state and find information on entering their 2003 contest.
The Amazing Picture Machine
This is the coolest website! The Amazing Picture Machine searches the
Internet for links to pictures based on a keyword. For instance, if
you input the word "horse," you'll get a list of 18 choices from an
old fire engine to a Peter Paul Reubens painting to a wild mustang. I
didn't get an overwhelming number of choices for most of the words I
tried; "frog" gave me 7 and "tree" gave me 81.
I can think of all kinds of ways to use this website. When my artist
daughter wants a picture of a particular object, animal or person to
draw, she can use this site to get several examples and perspectives.
I even set the tree frog as wallpaper on my desktop. ) To change your
wallpaper on a PC, let the picture fully load, right click your mouse
and choose "set as wallpaper.") Bookmark this site. I know you'll
return to it many times.
For information on purchasing unclassified advertising space in this
newsletter, please contact the editor at
Headsprout Reading is the fun, Internet-delivered beginning reading
program that will give your child a real advantage by systematically
teaching essential skills and strategies ensuring reading success and
confidence. Outstanding fast results! After just five 20-minute
animated, interactive episodes, children read their first Headsprout
book. Act quickly! For a limited time you can try out Headsprout
Reading FOR FREE at http://www.headsprout.com! Please enter the
promotional code: HENE5
New science and art books for spring and summer are in...several new
series to engage and delight your children and you. Shop online and
earn FREE books at: http://www.UsborneAmerica.com. For personal
shopping service, email SharonVE@... or call 888-474-8499 toll
free. Sharon Vander Ende, Supervisor, Usborne America.
The latest issue of our free hilarious math newsletter travels back
in time to visit the cave paintings in ancient France. Show your
children how much fun math can be and refresh your own math by
subscribing to our free newsletter, and by downloading free examples
of our CD-ROM Solid Gold Gnarly Math. It's all at
http://www.gnarlymath.com . Our moneyback-guaranteed CD will help you
review Algebra, Geometry, Trig, and Probability.
Attention unschoolers and eclectic homeschoolers! Looking for
something to do? The Resourceful Homeschooler carries great books,
science materials and kits, learning games, and the most interesting
software. AND here is your opportunity to clear some shelf space!
List or consign your surplus or used homeschooling materials. Store
credit available for consignments. Visit
http://www.resourcefulhomeschooler.com or call (877)523-0494.
Materials to involve, inspire and support independent learners of all
Get world renowned Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider's 'Mittleider Basics
Course' free at www.growfood.com. Go to our Online Education section
and enjoy. Books, Natural Mineral Nutrients & CD ROM's also
available. Also, look at the Garden Master CD, with $70 in Mittleider
gardening books and manuals and a great program to take your children
through every step of the gardening process. Took 3 years & $100,000
to create and costs only $29.95. Look in Products under Garden
With the May/June issue of HEM, we welcome Elizabeth McCullough as
our homeschool books columnist. In her first column, Elizabeth
reviews books on homeschooling an ADD child, unschooling and
homeschooling on a shoestring. Welcome, Elizabeth!
The May/June issue also features articles on Riding the Rainbow,
Leaping into Brambles, help calls, focusing on your child's strengths
and more. From the columnists: the Kaseman's highlight problems with
public e-schools; Becky Rupp is full of beans; David Albert tests
1...2...3...; Sandra Dodd stays up late to learn; and Carol Narigon
(that's me) discusses unschooling. Other columnists include Barbara
Theisen, Ann Zeise, Peter Kowalke, Linda Dobson, and Laura Weldon.
Mother's Day Special
For Mother's Day HEM is offering the best discount of the year on a
subscription to Home Education Magazine. HEM Online News readers can
start a one year subscription for only $20.00! (Reg. $32.00) Write to
Home Education Magazine, PO Box 1083, Tonasket WA 98855; for orders:
toll-free 1-800-236-3278; email orders@.... MC/Visa
cards accepted. Or see
To subscribe to this newsletter, visit our web site at
http://www.home-ed-magazine.com/wlcm_hemnewsltr.html or send an email
to majordomo@... with the words subscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. subscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To unsubscribe, send an email to
majordomo@... with the words unsubscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. unsubscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To change the address at which you receive the
newsletter, unsubscribe your old address and then subscribe to your
new one.
See you next month!
Carol Narigon, Newsletter Editor
Mark and Helen Hegener, Publishers of Home Education Magazine
May 2002
Welcome to HEM'S ONLINE NEWS! For more information on Home Education
Magazine, see the end of this newsletter or visit our web site at
http://home-ed-magazine.com. Send your comments and questions to
editor Carol Narigon at HEM-Newsletter@.... Scroll
down for subscription information.
In the May issue:
~ Mea Culpa ~
~ Frogs ~
~ More Frogs ~
~ Ask Carol ~
~ Unschooling ~
~ Homeschool Website of the Month ~
~ College Acceptance ~
~ Trusting the Children, Trusting Ourselves Conference ~
~ Bumper Stickers ~
~ Tree ID ~
~ The Amazing Picture Machine ~
~ The Final Word ~
I hate when I have to do this! Last month I ran the wrong ad for one
of my advertisers, Headsprout Reading (http://www.headsprout.com).
Unfortunately, the ad misled subscribers into thinking Headsprout's
entire reading program is free at their website. It's not free
(because they spent $5 million developing it and they can't afford to
give it away!), but they are generously offering 5 free lessons so
you can try the program before you buy it. That's more than enough to
ensure you're buying a high quality reading program, which actually
adapts to your child's needs as your child uses it.
Here's what one of our own subscribers, Ruthie Chatton, had to say
about using Headsprout: "We loved Headsprout. More importantly, when
asked if reading was hard, my son responded, 'No, reading is easy!' I
think that in itself says the most for your program. I felt it was
very effective in teaching my son to read, plus the reinforcement has
given him confidence....I am so impressed! It's a great program that
makes something thought as one of the hardest things to master
incredibly fun and easy. I tell other parents how enjoyable the
program is and then have my son show them how well it worked." You
can read more testimonials at http://www.headsprout.com/testimonials
So please take a look at Headsprout's website. You'll be glad you did
and maybe I can get off this hook! ~CN~
For learning to take place with any kind of efficiency students must
be motivated. To be motivated, they must become interested. And they
become interested when they are actively working on projects which
they can relate to their values and goals in life.
~ Gus Tuberville, president of William Penn College ~
"One of my most memorable activities as a kid was watching one of
Mother Nature's most amazing transformations: the development of a
tadpole into a frog. I remember being absolutely thrilled as the hind
legs began to emerge from the tadpoles. Next, the forelegs slowly
grew while at the same time the tadpole's tail started disappearing!
This was a rather slow process as it takes about 2 to 3 months for
the tadpole to develop completely in to a frog. Even at this slow
pace, it was exciting to watch.
You can scoop up some tadpoles from a pond, make them at home in an
aquarium and watch their development. Or you can buy a frog hatchery
from a place such as Insect Lore. This hatchery includes a
certificate for live from embryos so you can watch the tiny embryos
change into tadpoles and then see the tadpoles develop into frogs." ~
Excerpt from Ponds and Marshes and Swamps. Oh Boy! by Barbara Theisen
You can read the rest of this article in the May/June issue of Home
Education Magazine. See subscription information at the end of this
newsletter or visit your local bookseller to get your copy today. To
read more of the great articles and columns you'll find in the
current issue, stop by our website at www.home-ed-magazine.com.
If you get really interested in frogs and you'd like to see what
makes them tick, why not try a virtual frog dissection? My
animal-loving daughter was repulsed with the idea of even a virtual
dissection, but she soon took over the mouse after I started cutting
away with the virtual scalpel. This site has links to other virtual
dissections as well. I can't quite bring myself to try the cat yet,
but virtual dissection certainly beats the smell of formaldehyde and
the feel of frog guts.
Every other month, I ask people to send me questions, and I promise
to answer as many as I can in future columns. Although I don't answer
them in this newsletter, I do answer them in every issue of Home
Education Magazine, the original print version where homeschoolers
have found support for over 20 years. A couple of them are online
(http://www.home-ed-magazine.com), but most of them you have to read
in the magazine.
I really like to get your questions-any questions at all, even if you
think your question is too stupid and you're the only one who has
your particular problem (probably not true). So, don't be shy; don't
procrastinate; send me your questions. I even have a special email
address: askcarol@... . Of course, I don't promise I
can answer every question in the magazine (especially if you don't
send one!), but I try to respond to each one, whether I use it for a
column or not. What are you waiting for? (~ CN ~)
"It is a whole lot harder to talk about what unschooling looks like
in practice, because it is totally absolutely and completely
different for every family. And it isn't easily described by a list
like schooling is - it isn't an alternative method of schooling like
doing unit studies is, for example.
It takes time to read about unschooling and really 'grok' it - it
takes reading LOTS of people's anecdotes and reading their
philosophies and how they apply it in their lives and thinking about
how that philosophy might apply in your own family's life while
understanding that it will LOOK really different in your family, even
if the underlying principles are the same." ~ Pam Sorooshian in a
conversation on the Unschooling-dotcom email list. ~
Unschooling.com offers a free monthly newsletter, message boards, an
email list and more just for unschoolers. To subscribe to the email
list send a blank email to:
Or visit the email list website at:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom .
The Family Oriented Learning Cooperative in eastern Prince William
County, Virginia offers a great website not only for Virginia
homeschoolers, but homeschoolers around the nation. You'll find the
usual resources, freebies and information on Virginia law, but they
also share a number of excellent commentaries on homeschool politics
and how-to articles on contacting state legislatures and finding a
homeschool group. It's a site worth looking at even if you don't live
in Virginia.
"There exists a myth that the only way for a young person to be
accepted into college is through building a record for compliant
behavior in a secondary educational institution. This myth was
exposed for many of us when David and Micki Colfax wrote about their
boys being accepted into Harvard on the strength of their own efforts
and on the lives that they had put together for themselves, as
described in Homeschooling for Excellence.
When David Illingworth, senior admissions officer at Harvard, spoke
to Maine families attending our statewide home education conference
some years ago, he assured them that even Harvard does not require a
high school diploma for admission to a degree program. He suggested
that Harvard was more interested in the lives of home educated kids
and in how they presented themselves than in whether or not they had
high school diplomas, documents which are not extremely rare.
Since then we have read many accounts of young men and women being
accepted into colleges and universities on the strength of their
independent learning and the interesting and productive lives they
have led. We are accustomed to seeing letters in the home education
media from admissions officers encouraging home educated kids to
apply to their colleges. In fact, as more than one admissions officer
has stated, all else being equal, many colleges tend to choose
homeschooled kids for their motivation and for the diversity that
they bring to the campus community." ~ Excerpt from Earl Stevens'
article "The Door is Open ~
As graduation rolls around, homeschoolers field more questions about
whether our children will be able to go to college some day. This
website contains a number of articles on homeschooling teens and
beyond, including the rest of the article quoted above.
You'll find articles, message boards, resources, a free downloadable
resource guide and more at HEM's website. www.home-ed-magazine.com
The 2002 California Home=Education Conference
August 16-18, Radisson Hotel Sacramento.
A weekend of inspiring talks, workshops, and fun activities for
everyone in the family! Keynotes: Jane Healy and Frank Smith.
Featured speakers: Mary Griffith, David Albert, Sandra Dodd, Richard
Prystowsky, Marty Layne, Laurel Schmidt, Donald Asher, Wes Beach,
Lenore Hayes and Roneale Berry. Delightful programs for teens,
tweens and kids, as well as new panels and lots of round table
discussions among homeschoolers. http://conference.hsc.org, or email
conference@... or info@....
After reading last month's request for homeschool bumper sticker
ideas, Brad Withers sent along his favorites, copied from the bumper
of his car:
Homeschoolers Work Smarter Not Harder
Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Homeschooling
Proud Parent of a Homeschooled Child
Educate at Home
Thanks, Brad. I think it's important for the world to know we're out
there and we're proud to be homeschooling.
Anne Ohman even has some she'd like to sell. She says, "There's a
picture of happy children with their arms around each other, and it
Free to Think, Learn, Do and BE
Learning through Life, Joyfully!
E-mail me if you want to see the picture, or if you want to buy one
to help spread the word...plant the seeds!!" You can email Anne at
ohman@... if you're interested in buying one.
Here's a neat site for all you tree lovers out there who want to
identify spring and summer trees. You're given a series of questions
about the leaves on your tree. Follow the link for the best answer to
the next set of questions and continue until you've identified your
tree. When you're done, you might want to go to the Amazing Picture
Machine (below) and see if you can find a picture of your tree there.
The National Arbor Day Foundation sponsors this site. If you follow
the link to their home page, you'll see that Priscilla Anne Fisch, a
homeschooler from Idaho, won second place in their 2002 poster
contest. Congratulations, Priscilla! You can see who won the contest
in your state and find information on entering their 2003 contest.
The Amazing Picture Machine
This is the coolest website! The Amazing Picture Machine searches the
Internet for links to pictures based on a keyword. For instance, if
you input the word "horse," you'll get a list of 18 choices from an
old fire engine to a Peter Paul Reubens painting to a wild mustang. I
didn't get an overwhelming number of choices for most of the words I
tried; "frog" gave me 7 and "tree" gave me 81.
I can think of all kinds of ways to use this website. When my artist
daughter wants a picture of a particular object, animal or person to
draw, she can use this site to get several examples and perspectives.
I even set the tree frog as wallpaper on my desktop. ) To change your
wallpaper on a PC, let the picture fully load, right click your mouse
and choose "set as wallpaper.") Bookmark this site. I know you'll
return to it many times.
For information on purchasing unclassified advertising space in this
newsletter, please contact the editor at
Headsprout Reading is the fun, Internet-delivered beginning reading
program that will give your child a real advantage by systematically
teaching essential skills and strategies ensuring reading success and
confidence. Outstanding fast results! After just five 20-minute
animated, interactive episodes, children read their first Headsprout
book. Act quickly! For a limited time you can try out Headsprout
Reading FOR FREE at http://www.headsprout.com! Please enter the
promotional code: HENE5
New science and art books for spring and summer are in...several new
series to engage and delight your children and you. Shop online and
earn FREE books at: http://www.UsborneAmerica.com. For personal
shopping service, email SharonVE@... or call 888-474-8499 toll
free. Sharon Vander Ende, Supervisor, Usborne America.
The latest issue of our free hilarious math newsletter travels back
in time to visit the cave paintings in ancient France. Show your
children how much fun math can be and refresh your own math by
subscribing to our free newsletter, and by downloading free examples
of our CD-ROM Solid Gold Gnarly Math. It's all at
http://www.gnarlymath.com . Our moneyback-guaranteed CD will help you
review Algebra, Geometry, Trig, and Probability.
Attention unschoolers and eclectic homeschoolers! Looking for
something to do? The Resourceful Homeschooler carries great books,
science materials and kits, learning games, and the most interesting
software. AND here is your opportunity to clear some shelf space!
List or consign your surplus or used homeschooling materials. Store
credit available for consignments. Visit
http://www.resourcefulhomeschooler.com or call (877)523-0494.
Materials to involve, inspire and support independent learners of all
Get world renowned Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider's 'Mittleider Basics
Course' free at www.growfood.com. Go to our Online Education section
and enjoy. Books, Natural Mineral Nutrients & CD ROM's also
available. Also, look at the Garden Master CD, with $70 in Mittleider
gardening books and manuals and a great program to take your children
through every step of the gardening process. Took 3 years & $100,000
to create and costs only $29.95. Look in Products under Garden
With the May/June issue of HEM, we welcome Elizabeth McCullough as
our homeschool books columnist. In her first column, Elizabeth
reviews books on homeschooling an ADD child, unschooling and
homeschooling on a shoestring. Welcome, Elizabeth!
The May/June issue also features articles on Riding the Rainbow,
Leaping into Brambles, help calls, focusing on your child's strengths
and more. From the columnists: the Kaseman's highlight problems with
public e-schools; Becky Rupp is full of beans; David Albert tests
1...2...3...; Sandra Dodd stays up late to learn; and Carol Narigon
(that's me) discusses unschooling. Other columnists include Barbara
Theisen, Ann Zeise, Peter Kowalke, Linda Dobson, and Laura Weldon.
Mother's Day Special
For Mother's Day HEM is offering the best discount of the year on a
subscription to Home Education Magazine. HEM Online News readers can
start a one year subscription for only $20.00! (Reg. $32.00) Write to
Home Education Magazine, PO Box 1083, Tonasket WA 98855; for orders:
toll-free 1-800-236-3278; email orders@.... MC/Visa
cards accepted. Or see
To subscribe to this newsletter, visit our web site at
http://www.home-ed-magazine.com/wlcm_hemnewsltr.html or send an email
to majordomo@... with the words subscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. subscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To unsubscribe, send an email to
majordomo@... with the words unsubscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. unsubscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To change the address at which you receive the
newsletter, unsubscribe your old address and then subscribe to your
new one.
See you next month!
Carol Narigon, Newsletter Editor
Mark and Helen Hegener, Publishers of Home Education Magazine