John Julian

<<First begin, and then get confident.>>


I saw a quote like that in a movie - I think it was "Three Kings?" w/ George Clooney about Desert Storm, but the young guy was confiding in the older guy that he was scared, and wanted to know where he got the courage to do what he needed to do. Clooney's character says to him, "You just do it, the courage comes afterwards." It was a real "aha" moment for me. I recognized the truth of the statement and it really stayed with me.

In Bahai, they teach that sometimes you have to try something - commit wholeheartedly to your decision and implement it - then you will find out if it was the "right" thing or not. Sometimes we just can't figure it out solely by intellectualizing about it; we have to actually go forward and "do". (of course this works better with a decision like "Unschooling" than with, say... jumping off a tall building!!)

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