TV is Good
Julie Stauffer
Have any of you guys caught "the Osbournes" on MTV? Talk about a hoot. I caught a few minutes last night for the first time. (For those of you who don't know the show, Ozzie Osbourne, his wife and 2 teenaged children go about their lives in front of television cameras). There is Ozzie, quite appealing in a Wayne and Garth meet Archie Bunker kind of way, working hard to be a good parent but without much of a clue and having his language bleeped about every 3rd word.
Last night the dd was wailing about the kids at school teasing her because "nobody can forget that 20 years ago Dad bit the head off a bat" and Ozzie asks if she would like to homeschool.
I figure the HSLDA crowd spewed ice tea all over their living rooms(course not too many of them watching I wouldn't think).
"Give government the weapons to fight your enemy and it will use them against you"--Harry Browne
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"--Benjamin Franklin
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"-- John F. Kennedy
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Last night the dd was wailing about the kids at school teasing her because "nobody can forget that 20 years ago Dad bit the head off a bat" and Ozzie asks if she would like to homeschool.
I figure the HSLDA crowd spewed ice tea all over their living rooms(course not too many of them watching I wouldn't think).
"Give government the weapons to fight your enemy and it will use them against you"--Harry Browne
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"--Benjamin Franklin
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"-- John F. Kennedy
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I loved the one where they threw the ham at the noisy neighbor. All I could
think was how could any music be too loud for Black Sabbath <g> And can you
image them living next door to Pat Boone?
think was how could any music be too loud for Black Sabbath <g> And can you
image them living next door to Pat Boone?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Julie Stauffer" <jnjstau@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 10:20 AM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] TV is Good
> Have any of you guys caught "the Osbournes" on MTV? Talk about a hoot. I
caught a few minutes last night for the first time. (For those of you who
don't know the show, Ozzie Osbourne, his wife and 2 teenaged children go
about their lives in front of television cameras). There is Ozzie, quite
appealing in a Wayne and Garth meet Archie Bunker kind of way, working hard
to be a good parent but without much of a clue and having his language
bleeped about every 3rd word.
> Last night the dd was wailing about the kids at school teasing her because
"nobody can forget that 20 years ago Dad bit the head off a bat" and Ozzie
asks if she would like to homeschool.
> I figure the HSLDA crowd spewed ice tea all over their living rooms(course
not too many of them watching I wouldn't think).
> Julie
> "Give government the weapons to fight your enemy and it will use them
against you"--Harry Browne
> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"--Benjamin Franklin
> "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable"-- John F. Kennedy
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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We love the Osbournes!!! We've watched it right from the beginning and find
it humorous and entertaining. We (dh & I) like rock music and although we
don't own an Ozzie album (dh liked Black Sabbath in his younger years), we
are familiar with his music and it is so funny to see how he is getting
along these days in his "older" age, especially interacting with his family.
Such an off-the-wall yet also normal kind-of family with arguements and
disagreements, but I also see the love they share (in between all the
bleeps! :-D)
Some of TV's finest - 2002 style. (I understand this is purely subjective!)
"Julie Stauffer" wrote:
don't know the show, Ozzie Osbourne, his wife and 2 teenaged children go
about their lives in front of television cameras). There is Ozzie, quite
appealing in a Wayne and Garth meet Archie Bunker kind of way, working hard
to be a good parent but without much of a clue and having his language
bleeped about every 3rd word.
asks if she would like to homeschool.
it humorous and entertaining. We (dh & I) like rock music and although we
don't own an Ozzie album (dh liked Black Sabbath in his younger years), we
are familiar with his music and it is so funny to see how he is getting
along these days in his "older" age, especially interacting with his family.
Such an off-the-wall yet also normal kind-of family with arguements and
disagreements, but I also see the love they share (in between all the
bleeps! :-D)
Some of TV's finest - 2002 style. (I understand this is purely subjective!)
"Julie Stauffer" wrote:
> Have any of you guys caught "the Osbournes" on MTV? Talk about a hoot. Icaught a few minutes last night for the first time. (For those of you who
don't know the show, Ozzie Osbourne, his wife and 2 teenaged children go
about their lives in front of television cameras). There is Ozzie, quite
appealing in a Wayne and Garth meet Archie Bunker kind of way, working hard
to be a good parent but without much of a clue and having his language
bleeped about every 3rd word.
>"nobody can forget that 20 years ago Dad bit the head off a bat" and Ozzie
> Last night the dd was wailing about the kids at school teasing her because
asks if she would like to homeschool.
>not too many of them watching I wouldn't think).
> I figure the HSLDA crowd spewed ice tea all over their living rooms(course
>against you"--Harry Browne
> Julie
> "Give government the weapons to fight your enemy and it will use them
>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"--Benjamin Franklin
> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
>revolution inevitable"-- John F. Kennedy
> "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]