
My son also loves Soccer, and Rock cliaming. Help your child find the
resourse for something like that is to be expected. Your gradening problems
are bunnies, mine are deer, want to trade?

<<<It is fun to observe birds and plants, but not that much fun. >>>>

It's to bad your kids feel this way, my kids love it!

<<<He "entertained"us that evening with lots of information about the
heavens, and I'm soglad he did...>>>>>

I think your trying to take the point to an extreme! maybe you should read
posts a little more carefully, this is the 2nd time you've missed and
important point of a post in 2 days. I did say it's fine to do stuff here
and there, just not provide entertainment all the time! You don't need to
spend tons of money to unschool, you don't need to run to the musuem weekly,
you don't have to go go go, all you have to do it live.

Camano Island Homeschoolers,
Washington Unschoolers,

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On Sat, 13 Apr 2002 18:25:31 -0700 "Lyonness" <Lyonness@...>
> I think your trying to take the point to an extreme! maybe you
> should read
> posts a little more carefully, this is the 2nd time you've missed
> and important point of a post in 2 days.

I think you're writing very imprecisely, then. I've quoted your posts and
responded to your exact words.

> I did say it's fine to do
> stuff here and there, just not provide entertainment all the time!

No, actually, you never said that.

And there's a lot of gray between "here and there" and "all the time".

>You don't need to
> spend tons of money to unschool, you don't need to run to the musuem
> weekly, you don't have to go go go,

That's true.

>all you have to do it live

That's not, at least not necessarily.
