Julie Stauffer

This morning:

Adriane (11) went to milk her goat but the babies got loose this morning and
helped themselves to breakfast so she is figuring out how to secure the pen.
She just got back from a sewing project for 4-H and finished a small quilt
that folds into a pillow.

Zach (8) got the little kids breakfast in exchange for me taking care of his
rabbits this morning since we were in a hurry to get Adriane to her project.
He is finishing his laundry (had to wash a baseball uniform) and playing a
combination of pool and hot wheels with his sister. He is saving the
Pringles can from lunch to make a "telescope".

Marsie (5) has been looking at books and playing with a phonics type game.
She is currently playing with Zach and practicing whistling (her latest

Daniel (3) has been throwing rocks in the puddle out front and watching the
ripples. He is currently sitting in my lap and we are
discussing/showing/playing how keyboarding transfers to letters on the
monitor. He is tired after a late night at baseball where he learned to do
monkey bars.

Michelle (2) is playing her favorite game "What color is it?" where she
repeatedly asks that question about whatever object comes into her line of

Julie (real old) helped care for goats and rabbits this morning. She
researched a variety of rabbit to find the appropriate markings for showing
the rabbit. She turned the lye soap she is curing and made a nutritious
lunch for her brood. A friend stopped by and Julie and the kids and friend
discussed bee keeping (the wheres, whys, whats and such).



--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., "Julie Stauffer" <jnjstau@g...> wrote:
> A friend stopped by and Julie and the kids and
> discussed bee keeping (the wheres, whys, whats and such).
> Julie

Do you have bees? We just got our new swarm in last week. We tried
last year and lost three queens to various demises. This year's swarm
seems SOOOoooo much healthier. They aren't really our bees exactly.
One of our friends has been keeping bees for years and he wanted to
use corner of our property in exchange for half the honey. So they
are sort of jointly owned bees.
We did get a whole lot of beewax out of the deal though. He gave us
last year's frames to melt the wax out of since they may be deseased.
