Stacy Finch
Since I am Wiccan I thought it was a hoot, but realized it could mean
something different and was just curious how it was meant to be read.
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something different and was just curious how it was meant to be read.
>I've seen this before - and I actually liked it - It amused me ;) I think_________________________________________________________________
>it's meant as a play on words... taste = lick and religion = witch. I
>don't know if it was put out by those who practice Wicca - or if it offends
>----- Original Message -----
> From: Stacy Finch
> To:
> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 2:25 PM
> Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] (unknown)
> I am just wondering what significance the phrase at the bottom of this
> message has "Get a Taste of Religion:
> Stacy
> >Message: 15 Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 11:04:51 -0500 From: "Cleopatra
> >Subject: Re: Checking in/checking out
> >
> >
> >Hi all, Jacli here :) I've been relatively quiet for quite a while.
> >through too much physical turmoil to get embroiled on the stuff on the
> >too. But Helen's message struck me. I didn't appreciate her method but
> >understood her madness.
> >
> >The plain fact is that we seem to have cycles on this list. The good,
> >bad and oh yes, the ugly.
> >
> >We have moments when we shine. When we all come together to help one
> >another question and answer our collective approaches to schooling,
> >unschooling and parenting in general. These are the moments when we
> >of us- contribute just a little something, a little bit of our own
> >and when taken in create a masterpiece.
> >
> >Then we have moments when we get a little thoughtless or insensitive.
> >Perhaps too sensitive is what I should say. Moments when for just a New
> >York minute we let the bad in and become JUDGEMENTAL.
> >
> >That's okay. This list is full of moms, dads, teachers, leaders and
> >we're all human on this list, the occasional screw-ups. But we
> >apologize and move on. And thank goodness for the occasional screw up.
> >remind us to think before we speak, to consider and reconsider the way
> >treat or mistreat others, such consideration is probably a big asset
>for a
> >group of folks attempting to guide their young-ins and deschool
> >at the same time.
> >
> >The problem is when the Ugly sneaks it's ugly face in. Ahh, the moments
> >when we tear down instead of buildup. Then we go back in and do it
> >The long, long debates on whether so and so said what they said they
> >and so forth. Usually followed by people upset about all the people
> >what was or was not said and then the comments about how people should
> >and say things somewhere else.
> >
> >This is not new for us. But it is shameful. Because when we are good,
> >are AWESOME! When we shine it is because, as a group we encourage,
> >and unite.
> >
> >I do not care for the way Helen responded to the UGLY. But I do think
> >came from an emotional place of frustration and disappointment that it
> >come back again. And let's face it, when folks start telling other
>folks to
> >get on other lists, UGLY has come back in a big way.
> >
> >Shame on us. Do you know what I do when the ugly comes? When the first
> >whiff of ugly has come I try to ignore it by becoming real friendly
>with my
> >delete button. But at times like this, times when UGLY has come back
> >the way and brought friends, I leave. That's right. I've been off this
> >several times and I'm about to do it again. And that's okay too.
> >the true feeling of this list is strong enough to survive even the ugly
> >the disappearance of one or two faces. Ugly is like a fire and if we
> >just stop feeding the flames IT WILL GO AWAY.
> >
> >Sooner or later The Good will come back and when it does I and the
> >who have already quietly slipped away for a bit will come back. I just
> >in the meantime that we haven't already permanently alienated some of
> >wonderful people on this list who maybe don't understand our ups and
> >The list will survive, but it could come back and bloom and thrive if
> >we would all work just a little harder to stop feeding the ugly and
> >working The Good.
> >
> >Well, just my two cents, bye all, Jacli :)
> >
> > >Message: 1 > Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 11:58:57 -0800 > From: Helen
> > >Subject: Checking in/checking out > >Dear friends and listmembers, >
> > >It's a major disappointment to see this list fall back into the same
> > >kind of downward spiral we experienced a few weeks (or was it
> >months?)
> >ago. >... It was truly discouraging to see the disparaging remarks
> >about
> >our magazine in the middle of this discussion ... > To see our magazine
> >called into question >because of what someone who happens to write for
> >does on this list >was probably the final straw for me. >I'll be blunt.
> >do not have the time nor the interest in being >involved with the kinds
> >dynamics I've read here in the last few >hours.... > For that reason, I
> >removing all >references to HEM from this list, turning this list over
> >the >moderators, unsubscribing, and getting on with what needs doing in
> > >life. I wish you all the best in finding appropriate resolutions. >
> > >Helen ____________________________________________________________ _
> >a Taste of Religion: ~LICK A WITCH~
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