
What will it take for everyone to stop this????? This list is quickly
becoming nothing but a waste of time? You all have so much information to
give and share, but all the sarcasm and nonsense is starting to outweigh
that. AND THAT IS A SHAME! :-(

KIM in MO Dylan 12 Jacob 11 Noah 2

Message: 24
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 18:48:08 -0800
From: Tia Leschke <leschke@...>
Subject: Re: Checking in/checking out

Was this what you were looking for, Sarah?

>Dear friends and listmembers,
>I wish there was a quick, easy and convenient way to let you all know
>what I'm thinking and feeling this morning. Unfortunately, this email
>mode of communication doesn't really do much more than give us a way
>to exchange writings. For me, that becomes even more limiting because
>I've had trouble with carpal tunnel syndrome for the last few years
>and so I try to limit the time I spend on keyboards these days. What
>I might have at one time spent many paragraphs trying to explain will
>now need to be presented much more concisely than I'd normally
>prefer. Also, because we're in deadline for our May/June issue of
>HEM, I need to spend more time on non-list related projects, so I
>*really* can't write as much as I'd like to on this whole topic. And
>if that's not enough, our oldest son and his family are here visiting
>from Alaska for only a few days, and I'd much rather be spending time
>with them than sorting out the mess on this list. Anyway, all of that
>to say this:
>It's a major disappointment to see this list fall back into the same
>kind of downward spiral we experienced a few weeks (or was it
>months?) ago. I needed to be gone unexpectedly for a couple of days,
>so I stayed up last night long after everyone here had gone to bed,
>reading and trying to make sense of what was going on with this list.
>I finally fell asleep, got back up early this morning and started
>reading again, missed breakfast with the family in trying to sort
>this out... and have finally caught up with the posts. Now I sit here
>wondering why I spent all that time reading and trying to make some
>sense of all the accusations, defenses, proclamations, and so on and
>so forth. It was truly discouraging to see the disparaging remarks
>about our magazine in the middle of this discussion - even a threat
>to reconsider an HEM subscription - because as far as I'm concerned
>this list has absolutely nothing to do with the publication we
>produce for homeschoolers. To see our magazine called into question
>because of what someone who happens to write for us does on this list
>was probably the final straw for me.
>We - the publishers of Home Education Magazine - "sponsor" this list,
>and many others, because we feel it's important for homeschoolers to
>discuss issues with each other, to offer support and encouragement,
>to have places for communication and networking. I think once upon a
>time that might have been a valid approach, but, unfortunately, after
>what I've read here, I think lists like this one are more of a
>liability to our publication than an asset.
>I'll be blunt. I do not have the time nor the interest in being
>involved with the kinds of dynamics I've read here in the last few
>hours. I'm not even interested in longwinded discussions any more. I
>just need to do my job as Managing Editor of HEM, and this list has
>become a major impediment to that. For that reason, I am removing all
>references to HEM from this list, turning this list over to the
>moderators, unsubscribing, and getting on with what needs doing in my
>life. I wish you all the best in finding appropriate resolutions.