下川 誉志彦

"As Americans, we want our children to be better educated than
the Japanese. So, the government has created a new mandatory level of
education - the Baby Genius school. We will teach your baby to sit up,
crawl, walk, and talk, and toilet-train your toddler. The government
has created classes for the following age groups: the sitting class, 6
months; the crawling class, seven months; the walking class, 11 months;
the talking class, 18 months. Basic toilet training, 24 months;
advanced toilet training, 30 months. Should your child fail to pass our
monthly examinations, he or she will be insulted and verbally abused
until he or she finally gets it. Late graduation from our school will
result in rejection from entering prestigious pre-schools where children
will be taught to color in the lines and conform to government set
standards in order to prepare them for kindergarten. This new law will
go into effect August 29th. All babies must attend. Those parents
wishing to homeschool their infants must complete all 40 pages of form
S-537 to register by August 29th. Text books will be provided upon
request. If approved, they will be visited monthly by an education
authority to make sure their child can pass the tests. The parents then
reserve the right to be ridiculed by their parents, friends, and
neighbors for depriving their child of the right to an education."

Of course I made this up. It's not true at all. Sometimes this is how
I feel our public school system is going. What do you all think?

Love, Melanie in Japan


In a message dated 6/3/99 5:24:59 PM Central Daylight Time,
RXP10715@... writes:

<< Of course I made this up. It's not true at all. Sometimes this is how
I feel our public school system is going. What do you all think?

Ooooohhhh, another scary story. I do agree that it sure seems like we
are headed that way. I bet that is how Head Start got started!
Tami IN